Healthy Lifestyle Interventions to Combat Noncommunicable Disease-A Novel Nonhierarchical Connectivity Model for Key Stakeholders: A Policy Statement from the American Heart Association, European Society of Cardiology, European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, and American College of Preventive Medicine

Arena, R
Berra, K
Kaminsky, L
Hivert, MF
Cherie Franklin, N
Myers, J
Dengel, D
Franklin, NC
Lavie, CJ
Lloyd Jones, DM
Gielen, S
Guazzi, M
Halle, M
Niebauer, J
Pelliccia, A
Piepoli, MF
Guthrie, G
Lianov, L
Shurney, D
Document Type
Year published
in European Heart Journal, ISSN: 0195-668X
Volume: 36, Issue: 31, Pages: 2097-2109
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84939543775
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0195-668X
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Arena, R;   2 Berra, K;   3 Kaminsky, L;
4 Hivert, MF;   5 Cherie Franklin, N;   6 Myers, J;
7 Dengel, D;   8 Franklin, NC;   9 Lavie, CJ;
10 Lloyd Jones, DM;   11 Whitsel, L;   12 Williams, M;
13 Corra, U;   14 Cosentino, F;   15 Dendale, P;
16 Giannuzzi, P;   17 Gielen, S;   18 Guazzi, M;
19 Halle, M;   20 Niebauer, J;   21 Pelliccia, A;
22 Piepoli, MF;   23 Pinto, FJ;   24 Guthrie, G;
25 Lianov, L;   26 Shurney, D;