Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Syncope (Version 2009): The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Management of Syncope of the European Society of Cardiology (Esc)

Moya, A
Sutton, R
Ammirati, F
Blanc, J
Brignole, M
Dahm, JB
Deharo, J
Gajek, J
Gjesdal, K
Krahn, A
Puodziukynas, A
Raviele, A
Roman, P
Scherer, M
Schondorf, R
Sicari, R
Vanbrabant, P
Wolpert, C
Zamorano, JL
Document Type
Year published
in European Heart Journal, ISSN: 0195-668X
Volume: 30, Issue: 21, Pages: 2631-2671
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 0195-668X
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Moya, A;   2 Sutton, R;   3 Ammirati, F;
4 Blanc, J;   5 Brignole, M;   6 Dahm, JB;
7 Deharo, J;   8 Gajek, J;   9 Gjesdal, K;
10 Krahn, A;   11 Massin, M;   12 Pepi, M;
13 Pezawas, T;   14 Granell, RR;   15 Sarasin, F;
16 Ungar, A;   17 van Dijk, JG;   18 Walma, EP;
19 Wieling, W;   20 Abe, H;   21 Benditt, DG;
22 Decker, WW;   23 Grubb, BP;   24 Kaufmann, H;
25 Morillo, C;   26 Olshansky, B;   27 Parry, SW;
28 Sheldon, R;   29 Shen, WK;   30 Vahanian, A;
31 Auricchio, A;   32 Bax, J;   33 Ceconi, C;
34 Dean, V;   35 Filippatos, G;   36 Funck-Brentano, C;
37 Hobbs, R;   38 Kearney, P;   39 McDonagh, T;
40 McGregor, K;   41 Popescu, BA;   42 Reiner, Z;
43 Sechtem, U;   44 Sirnes, PA;   45 Tendera, M;
46 Vardas, P;   47 Widimsky, P;   48 Auricchio, A;
49 Acarturk, E;   50 Andreotti, F;   51 Asteggiano, R;
52 Bauersfeld, U;   53 Bellou, A;   54 Benetos, A;
55 Brandt, J;   56 Chung, MK;   57 Cortelli, P;
58 Da Costa, A;   59 Extramiana, F;   60 Ferro, J;
61 Gorenek, B;   62 Hedman, A;   63 Hirsch, R;
64 Kaliska, G;   65 Kenny, RA;   66 Kjeldsen, KP;
67 Lampert, R;   68 Molgard, H;   69 Paju, R;
70 Puodziukynas, A;   71 Raviele, A;   72 Roman, P;
73 Scherer, M;   74 Schondorf, R;   75 Sicari, R;
76 Vanbrabant, P;   77 Wolpert, C;   78 Zamorano, JL;