Academic Domains as Political Battlegrounds: A Global Enquiry by 99 Academics in the Fields of Education and Technology

Al Lily, AE
Foland, J
Stoloff, D
Gogus, A
Deniz Erguvan, I
Tomé Awshar, M
Tondeur, J
Hammond, M
Venter, IM
Bardakci, S
Itmazi, J
Rogers, J
Rughooputh, SDDV
Ali Akour, M
Henderson, JB
de Freitas, S
Schrader, PG
Document Type
Year published
in Information Development, ISSN: 0266-6669
Volume: 33, Issue: 3, Pages: 270-288
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85019498734
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0266-6669
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Al Lily, AE;   2 Foland, J;   3 Stoloff, D;
4 Gogus, A;   5 Deniz Erguvan, I;   6 Tomé Awshar, M;
7 Tondeur, J;   8 Hammond, M;   9 Venter, IM;
10 Jerry, P;   11 Vlachopoulos, D;   12 Oni, A;
13 Liu, Y;   14 Badosek, R;   15 López de la Madrid, MC;
16 Mazzoni, E;   17 Lee, H;   18 Kinley, K;
19 Kalz, M;   20 Sambuu, U;   21 Bushnaq, T;
22 Pinkwart, N;   23 Adedokun Shittu, NA;   24 Zander, POM;
25 Oliver, K;   26 Pombo, LMT;   27 Balaban Sali, J;
28 Gregory, S;   29 Tobgay, S;   30 Joy, M;
31 Elen, J;   32 Jwaifell, MOH;   33 Said, MNHM;
34 Al Saggaf, Y;   35 Naaji, A;   36 White, J;
37 Jordan, K;   38 Gerstein, J;   39 Umit Yapici, I;
40 Sanga, C;   41 Nleya, PT;   42 Sbihi, B;
43 Rocha Lucas, M;   44 Mbarika, V;   45 Reiners, T;
46 Schön, S;   47 Sujo Montes, L;   48 Santally, M;
49 Häkkinen, P;   50 Al Saif, A;   51 Gegenfurtner, A;
52 Schatz, S;   53 Padilla Vigil, V;   54 Tannahill, C;
55 Padilla Partida, S;   56 Zhang, Z;   57 Charalambous, K;
58 Moreira, A;   59 Coto, M;   60 Laxman, K;
61 Sara Farley, H;   62 Gumbo, MT;   63 Simsek, A;
64 Ramganesh, E;   65 Birzina, R;   66 Player Koro, C;
67 Dumbraveanu, R;   68 Ziphorah, M;   69 Mohamudally, N;
70 Thomas, S;   71 Romero, M;   72 Nirmala, M;
73 Cifuentes, L;   74 Osaily, RZK;   75 Clemency Omoogun, A;
76 Seferoglu, SS;   77 Elçi, A;   78 Edyburn, D;
79 Moudgalya, K;   80 Ebner, M;   81 Bottino, R;
82 Khoo, E;   83 Pedro, L;   84 Buarki, H;
85 Román Odio, C;   86 Qureshi, IA;   87 Ahsan Khan, M;
88 Thornthwaite, C;   89 Kerimkulova, S;   90 Downes, T;
91 Malmi, L;   92 Bardakci, S;   93 Itmazi, J;
94 Rogers, J;   95 Rughooputh, SDDV;   96 Ali Akour, M;
97 Henderson, JB;   98 de Freitas, S;   99 Schrader, PG;