International Forum on Typing and Matching Strategies in Patients on Anti-Cd38 Monoclonal Therapy

De Vooght, KMK
Lozano, M
Bueno, JL
Alarcon, A
Romera, I
Suzuki, K
Holbro, A
Infanti, L
Cserti Gazdewich, C
Hawes, J
Lundgren, MN
Jain, A
Marwaha, N
Sharma, RR
Document Type
Year published
in VOX SANGUINIS, ISSN: 0042-9007
Volume: 113, Issue: 5, Pages: E36-E52 (17)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85050273619
Wos: WOS:000439879800001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0042-9007
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 De Vooght, KMK;   2 Lozano, M;   3 Bueno, JL;
4 Alarcon, A;   5 Romera, I;   6 Suzuki, K;
7 Zhiburt, E;   8 Holbro, A;   9 Infanti, L;
10 Buser, A;   11 Hustinx, H;   12 Deneys, V;
13 Frelik, A;   14 Thiry, C;   15 Murphy, M;
16 Staves, J;   17 Selleng, K;   18 Greinacher, A;
19 Kutner, JM;   20 Bub, CB;   21 Castilho, L;
22 Kaufman, RM;   23 Colling, ME;   24 Perseghin, P;
25 Incontri, A;   26 Dassi, M;   27 Brilhante, D;
28 Macedo, A;   29 Cserti Gazdewich, C;   30 Pendergrast, JM;
31 Hawes, J;   32 Lundgren, MN;   33 Storry, JR;
34 Jain, A;   35 Marwaha, N;   36 Sharma, RR;