Attributable Deaths and Disability-Adjusted Life-Years Caused by Infections with Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in the Eu and the European Economic Area in 2015: a Population-Level Modelling Analysis

Cassini, A
Hogberg, LD
Plachouras, D
Quattrocchi, A
Hoxha, A
Simonsen, GS
Colomb Cotinat, M
Kretzschmar, ME
Devleesschauwer, B
Korosec, A
Aracil, B
Asensio, A
Perez Vazquez, M
Billstrom, H
Larsson, S
Reilly, JS
Johnson, A
Hopkins, S
Group Author(s)
Burden Amr Collaborative Grp
Document Type
Year published
Volume: 19, Issue: 1, Pages: 56-66 (11)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 30409683
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85058703581
Wos: WOS:000453926700038
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1473-3099
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Cassini, A;   2 Hogberg, LD;   3 Plachouras, D;
4 Quattrocchi, A;   5 Hoxha, A;   6 Simonsen, GS;
7 Colomb Cotinat, M;   8 Kretzschmar, ME;   9 Devleesschauwer, B;
10 Cecchini, M;   11 Ouakrim, DA;   12 Oliveira, TC;
13 Struelens, MJ;   14 Suetens, C;   15 Monnet, DL;
16 Strauss, R;   17 Mertens, K;   18 Struyf, T;
19 Catry, B;   20 Latour, K;   21 Ivanov, IN;
22 Dobreva, EG;   23 Andrasevic, AT;   24 Soprek, S;
25 Budimir, A;   26 Paphitou, N;   27 Zemlickova, H;
28 Olsen, SS;   29 Sonksen, UW;   30 Martin, P;
31 Ivanova, M;   32 Lyytikainen, O;   33 Jalava, J;
34 Coignard, B;   35 Eckmanns, T;   36 Abu Sin, M;
37 Haller, S;   38 Daikos, GL;   39 Gikas, A;
40 Tsiodras, S;   41 Kontopidou, F;   42 Toth, A;
43 Hajdu, A;   44 Guolaugsson, O;   45 Kristinsson, KG;
46 Murchan, S;   47 Burns, K;   48 Dsstat, PP;
49 Gagliotti, C;   50 Dumpis, U;   51 Liuimiene, A;
52 Perrin, M;   53 Borg, MA;   54 de Greeff, SC;
55 Monen, JCM;   56 Koek, MBG;   57 Elstrom, P;
58 Zabicka, D;   59 Deptula, A;   60 Hryniewicz, W;
61 Canica, M;   62 Nogueira, PJ;   63 Fernandes, PA;
64 Manageiro, V;   65 Popescu, GA;   66 Serban, RI;
67 Schreterova, E;   68 Litvova, S;   69 Stefkovicova, M;
70 Kolman, J;   71 Klavs, I;   72 Korosec, A;
73 Aracil, B;   74 Asensio, A;   75 Perez Vazquez, M;
76 Billstrom, H;   77 Larsson, S;   78 Reilly, JS;
79 Johnson, A;   80 Hopkins, S;