Scavenging in the Anthropocene: Human Impact Drives Vertebrate Scavenger Species Richness at a Global Scale

Sebastián González, E
Barbosa, JM
Morales Reyes, Z
Botella, F
Mateo Tomás, P
Moleón, M
Hiraldo, F
Arrondo, E
Read, J
Wilson, D
Jerina, K
Krofel, M
Kostecke, R
Inger, R
Samson, A
Naves Alegre, L
Sánchez Zapata, JA
Document Type
Year published
in Global Change Biology, ISSN: 1354-1013
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85068029527
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1354-1013
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Sebastián González, E;   2 Barbosa, JM;   3 Pérez García, JM;
4 Morales Reyes, Z;   5 Botella, F;   6 Olea, PP;
7 Mateo Tomás, P;   8 Moleón, M;   9 Hiraldo, F;
10 Arrondo, E;   11 Donázar, JA;   12 Cortés Avizanda, A;
13 Selva, N;   14 Lambertucci, SA;   15 Bhattacharjee, A;
16 Brewer, A;   17 Anadón, JD;   18 Abernethy, E;
19 Rhodes, OE;   20 Turner, K;   21 Beasley, JC;
22 DeVault, TL;   23 Ordiz, A;   24 Wikenros, C;
25 Zimmermann, B;   26 Wabakken, P;   27 Wilmers, CC;
28 Smith, JA;   29 Kendall, CJ;   30 Ogada, D;
31 Buechley, ER;   32 Frehner, E;   33 Allen, ML;
34 Wittmer, HU;   35 Butler, JRA;   36 du Toit, JT;
37 Read, J;   38 Wilson, D;   39 Jerina, K;
40 Krofel, M;   41 Kostecke, R;   42 Inger, R;
43 Samson, A;   44 Naves Alegre, L;   45 Sánchez Zapata, JA;