Nine Questions on Energy Decomposition Analysis

Andrés, J
Ayers, PW
Boto, RA
Carbó Dorca, R
Chermette, H
Cioslowski, J
Contreras García, J
Cooper, DL
Frenking, G
Gatti, C
Salvador, P
Shahbazian, S
Silvi, B
Solà, M
Szalewicz, K
Tognetti, V
Weinhold, F
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Computational Chemistry, ISSN: 0192-8651
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85068228287
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0192-8651
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Andrés, J;   2 Ayers, PW;   3 Boto, RA;
4 Carbó Dorca, R;   5 Chermette, H;   6 Cioslowski, J;
7 Contreras García, J;   8 Cooper, DL;   9 Frenking, G;
10 Gatti, C;   11 Heidar Zadeh, F;   12 Joubert, L;
13 Martín Pendás, Á;   14 Matito, E;   15 Mayer, I;
16 Misquitta, AJ;   17 Mo, Y;   18 Pilmé, J;
19 Popelier, PLA;   20 Rahm, M;   21 Ramos Cordoba, E;
22 Salvador, P;   23 Schwarz, WHE;   24 Shahbazian, S;
25 Silvi, B;   26 Solà, M;   27 Szalewicz, K;
28 Tognetti, V;   29 Weinhold, F;   30 Zins, ÉL;