The Global Prevalence Of Resistance Associated Substitutions (Rass) In "Unusual" Hcv Subtypes

Fourati, S
Howe, A
Di Maio, VC
Tay, E
Rodrigo, C
Cunningham, E
Kjellin, M
Sfalcin, J
Kaiser, R
Zhigalkina, P
Chulanov, V
De Knegt, RJ
Douglas, M
Silberstein, FC
Harrigan, R
Garcia, FG
Boucher, CA
Pawlotsky, JM
Document Type
Year published
in HEPATOLOGY, ISSN: 0270-9139
Volume: 70, Pages: 77A-78A (2)
Annual Meeting of the American-Association-For-The-Study-Of-Liver-Diseases (Aasld) / Liver Meeting, Date: NOV 08-12, 2019, Location: Boston, MA, Sponsors: Amer Assoc Study Liver Dis
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000488653500117
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0270-9139
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Popping, S;   2 Fourati, S;   3 Howe, A;
4 Di Maio, VC;   5 Tay, E;   6 Rodrigo, C;
7 Cunningham, E;   8 Kjellin, M;   9 Sfalcin, J;
10 Gomes, P;   11 Poljak, M;   12 Lunar, M;
13 Sayan, M;   14 Mor, O;   15 Salmon, D;
16 Usubillaga, R;   17 Omar, M;   18 Garcia Bujalance, S;
19 Tellez, F;   20 Fuentes, A;   21 Seguin Devaux, C;
22 Soulier, A;   23 Lloyd, A;   24 Grebely, J;
25 Aragri, M;   26 Lennerstrand, J;   27 Kaiser, R;
28 Zhigalkina, P;   29 Chulanov, V;   30 De Knegt, RJ;
31 Douglas, M;   32 Silberstein, FC;   33 Harrigan, R;
34 Garcia, FG;   35 Boucher, CA;   36 Pawlotsky, JM;