A Population of Proinflammatory T Cells Coexpresses Αβ and Γδ T Cell Receptors in Mice and Humans

Edwards, SC
Sutton, CE
Ladell, K
Grant, EJ
McLaren, JE
Roche, F
Dash, P
Awad, W
Miners, KL
Paez Cortez, J
Slavin, A
Anderson, G
Silva Santos, B
Hokamp, K
Price, DA
Thomas, PG
McLoughlin, RM
Document Type
Year published
in The Journal of experimental medicine, ISSN: 1540-9538
Volume: 217, Issue: 5
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 32106283
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85081563962
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1540-9538
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Edwards, SC;   2 Sutton, CE;   3 Ladell, K;
4 Grant, EJ;   5 McLaren, JE;   6 Roche, F;
7 Dash, P;   8 Apiwattanakul, N;   9 Awad, W;
10 Miners, KL;   11 Lalor, SJ;   12 Ribot, JC;
13 Baik, S;   14 Moran, B;   15 McGinley, A;
16 Pivorunas, V;   17 Dowding, L;   18 Macoritto, M;
19 Paez Cortez, J;   20 Slavin, A;   21 Anderson, G;
22 Silva Santos, B;   23 Hokamp, K;   24 Price, DA;
25 Thomas, PG;   26 McLoughlin, RM;   27 Mills, KHG;