Herschelview of the Taurus B211/3 Filament and Striations: Evidence of Filamentary Growth?

André, P
Kirk, J
Ward-Thompson, D
Arzoumanian, D
Könyves, V
Didelon, P
Schneider, N
Benedettini, M
Bontemps, S
Molinari, S
Motte, F
Nguyen Luong, Q
Nutter, D
Peretto, N
Pezzuto, S
Roy, A
Rygl, KLJ
Spinoglio, L
White, GL
Document Type
Year published
in Astronomy & Astrophysics, ISSN: 0004-6361
Volume: 550, Pages: A38
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ISSN: 0004-6361
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Palmeirim, P ;   2 André, P;   3 Kirk, J;
4 Ward-Thompson, D;   5 Arzoumanian, D;   6 Könyves, V;
7 Didelon, P;   8 Schneider, N;   9 Benedettini, M;
10 Bontemps, S;   11 Di Francesco, J;   12 Elia, D;
13 Griffin, M;   14 Hennemann, M;   15 Hill, T;
16 Martin, PG;   17 Men’shchikov, A;   18 Molinari, S;
19 Motte, F;   20 Nguyen Luong, Q;   21 Nutter, D;
22 Peretto, N;   23 Pezzuto, S;   24 Roy, A;
25 Rygl, KLJ;   26 Spinoglio, L;   27 White, GL;