WASP-135B: A Highly Irradiated, Inflated Hot Jupiter Orbiting a G5V Star

Spake, JJ
Doyle, AP
Hébrard, G
McCormac, J
Armstrong, DJ
Anderson, DR
Liakos, A
Louden, T
Maxted, PFL
Osborn, HP
Palle, E
Arranz, JP
Udry, S
Walker, SR
West, RG
Wheatley, PJ
Document Type
Year published
in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, ISSN: 0004-6280
Volume: 128, Issue: 960, Pages: 024401
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 0004-6280
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Spake, JJ;   2 Brown, DJA;   3 Doyle, AP;
4 Hébrard, G;   5 McCormac, J;   6 Armstrong, DJ;
7 Pollacco, D;   8 Chew, YGM;   9 Anderson, DR;
10 Barros, SCC ;   11 Bouchy, F;   12 Boumis, P;
13 Bruno, G;   14 Cameron, AC;   15 Courcol, B;
16 Davies, GR;   17 Faedi, F;   18 Hellier, C;
19 Kirk, J;   20 Lam, KWF;   21 Liakos, A;
22 Louden, T;   23 Maxted, PFL;   24 Osborn, HP;
25 Palle, E;   26 Arranz, JP;   27 Udry, S;
28 Walker, SR;   29 West, RG;   30 Wheatley, PJ;