Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Ineligible for Stem Cell Transplantation: Results from the Randomized Phase Iii Alcyone Trial

Mateos, MV
Suzuki, K
Jakubowiak, A
Doyen, C
Lucio, P
Nagy, Z
Usenko, G
Fujisaki, T
Garg, M
Wang, JP
Wroblewski, S
Kudva, A
Gries, KS
Fastenau, J
San Miguel, J
Cavo, M
Document Type
Year published
in BMC CANCER, ISSN: 1471-2407
Volume: 21, Issue: 1
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85107143398
Wos: WOS:000660623100005
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1471-2407
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Knop, S;   2 Mateos, MV;   3 Dimopoulos, MA;
4 Suzuki, K;   5 Jakubowiak, A;   6 Doyen, C;
7 Lucio, P;   8 Nagy, Z;   9 Usenko, G;
10 Pour, L;   11 Cook, M;   12 Grosicki, S;
13 Crepaldi, A;   14 Liberati, AM;   15 Campbell, P;
16 Shelekhova, T;   17 Yoon, SS;   18 Losava, G;
19 Fujisaki, T;   20 Garg, M;   21 Wang, JP;
22 Wroblewski, S;   23 Kudva, A;   24 Gries, KS;
25 Fastenau, J;   26 San Miguel, J;   27 Cavo, M;