A Conservation Roadmap for the Subterranean Biome

Wynne, JJ
Howarth, FG
Mammola, S
Ferreira, RL
Cardoso, P
Di Lorenzo, T
Galassi, DMP
Medellin, RA
Miller, BW
Shear, WA
Silva, MS
Taiti, S
Tian, MY
Venarsky, MP
Pakarati, SY
Zagmajster, M
Zhao, YH
Document Type
Article in Press
Year published
Volume: 14, Issue: 5
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85112370594
Wos: WOS:000684584400001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1755-263X
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Wynne, JJ;   2 Howarth, FG;   3 Mammola, S;
4 Ferreira, RL;   5 Cardoso, P;   6 Di Lorenzo, T;
7 Galassi, DMP;   8 Medellin, RA;   9 Miller, BW;
10 Sanchez Fernandez, D;   11 Bichuette, ME;   12 Biswas, J;
13 BlackEagle, CW;   14 Boonyanusith, C;   15 Amorim, IR;
16 Borges, PAV;   17 Boston, PJ;   18 Cal, RN;
19 Cheeptham, N;   20 Deharveng, L;   21 Eme, D;
22 Faille, A;   23 Fenolio, D;   24 Fiser, C;
25 Fiser, Z;   26 Gon, SMO;   27 Goudarzi, F;
28 Griebler, C;   29 Halse, S;   30 Hoch, H;
31 Kale, E;   32 Katz, AD;   33 Kovac, L;
34 Lilley, TM;   35 Manchi, S;   36 Manenti, R;
37 Martinez, A;   38 Meierhofer, MB;   39 Miller, AZ;
40 Moldovan, OT;   41 Niemiller, ML;   42 Peck, SB;
43 Pellegrini, TG;   44 Pipan, T;   45 Phillips Lander, CM;
46 Poot, C;   47 Racey, PA;   48 Sendra, A;
49 Shear, WA;   50 Silva, MS;   51 Taiti, S;
52 Tian, MY;   53 Venarsky, MP;   54 Pakarati, SY;
55 Zagmajster, M;   56 Zhao, YH;