Sports Injury Prevention Programmes from the Sports Physical Therapist's Perspective: An International Expert Delphi Approach

Mendonça L.D.M.
Schuermans J.
Denolf S.
Romanuk A.
Tak I.
Bizzini M.
Florentz D.
Ozer Kaya D.
Indra Lesmana S.
Harøy J.
Kuparinen V.
Philips N.
Jenkins W.
Wezenbeek E.
Witvrouw E.
Document Type
Year published
in Physical Therapy in Sport, ISSN: 1466-853X
Volume: 55, Pages: 146-154 (8)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 35421834
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85127851396
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1466-853X
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Mendonça L.D.M.;   2 Schuermans J.;   3 Denolf S.;
4 Napier C.;   5 Bittencourt N.F.N.;   6 Romanuk A.;
7 Tak I.;   8 Thorborg K.;   9 Bizzini M.;
10 Ramponi C.;   11 Paterson C.;   12 Hägglund M.;
13 Malisoux L.;   14 Al Attar W.S.A.;   15 Samukawa M.;
16 Esteve E.;   17 Bakare U.;   18 Constantinou M.;
19 Schneiders A.;   20 Cavallieri Gomes A.;   21 Florentz D.;
22 Ozer Kaya D.;   23 Indra Lesmana S.;   24 Harøy J.;
25 Kuparinen V.;   26 Philips N.;   27 Jenkins W.;
28 Wezenbeek E.;   29 Witvrouw E.;