Benefit-Risk Assessment and Reporting in Clinical Trials of Chronic Pain Treatments: Immpact Recommendations

Cowan, P
Eccleston, C
Ellenberg, SS
Evans, SR
Farrar, JT
Freeman, RL
Raja, SN
Rowbotham, MC
Sampaio, C
Singh, JA
Steigerwald, I
Strand, V
Tive, LA
Tobias, J
Wasan, AD
Wilson, HD
Document Type
Year published
in PAIN, ISSN: 0304-3959
Volume: 163, Issue: 6, Pages: 1006-1018 (13)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 34510135
Wos: WOS:000794889000012
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0304-3959
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Kleykamp, BA;   2 Dworkin, RH;   3 Turk, DC;
4 Bhagwagar, Z;   5 Cowan, P;   6 Eccleston, C;
7 Ellenberg, SS;   8 Evans, SR;   9 Farrar, JT;
10 Freeman, RL;   11 Garrison, LP;   12 Gewandter, JS;
13 Goli, V;   14 Iyengar, S;   15 Jadad, AR;
16 Jensen, MP;   17 Junor, R;   18 Katz, NP;
19 Kesslak, JP;   20 Kopecky, EA;   21 Lissin, D;
22 Markman, JD;   23 McDermott, MP;   24 Mease, PJ;
25 O'Connor, AB;   26 Patel, KV;   27 Raja, SN;
28 Rowbotham, MC;   29 Sampaio, C;   30 Singh, JA;
31 Steigerwald, I;   32 Strand, V;   33 Tive, LA;
34 Tobias, J;   35 Wasan, AD;   36 Wilson, HD;