Hiv-1-Transmitted Drug Resistance and Transmission Clusters in Newly Diagnosed Patients in Portugal Between 2014 and 2019

Pingarilho, M
Pimentel, V
Miranda, MNS
Silva, AR
Diniz, A
Ascenção, BB
Piñeiro, C
Koch, C
Rodrigues, C
Caldas, C
Castro, RSE
Nunes, S
Faria, T
Baptista, T
Gomes, P
Mendão, L
Simões, D
the, BSG
Document Type
Year published
in Frontiers in Microbiology, ISSN: 1664-302X
Volume: 13
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85131860855
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1664-302X
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Pingarilho, M;   2 Pimentel, V;   3 Miranda, MNS;
4 Silva, AR;   5 Diniz, A;   6 Ascenção, BB;
7 Piñeiro, C;   8 Koch, C;   9 Rodrigues, C;
10 Caldas, C;   11 Morais, C;   12 Faria, D;
13 da Silva, EG;   14 Teófilo, E;   15 Monteiro, F;
16 Roxo, F;   17 Maltez, F;   18 Rodrigues, F;
19 Gaião, G;   20 Ramos, H;   21 Costa, I;
22 Germano, I;   23 Simões, J;   24 Oliveira, J;
25 Ferreira, J;   26 Poças, J;   27 da Cunha, JS;
28 Soares, J;   29 Henriques, J;   30 Mansinho, K;
31 Pedro, L;   32 Aleixo, MJ;   33 Gonçalves, MJ;
34 Manata, MJ;   35 Mouro, M;   36 Serrado, M;
37 Caixeiro, M;   38 Marques, N;   39 Costa, O;
40 Pacheco, P;   41 Proença, P;   42 Rodrigues, P;
43 Pinho, R;   44 Tavares, R;   45 de Abreu, RC;
46 Côrte Real, R;   47 Serrão, R;   48 Castro, RSE;
49 Nunes, S;   50 Faria, T;   51 Baptista, T;
52 Martins, MRO;   53 Gomes, P;   54 Mendão, L;
55 Simões, D;   56 Abecasis, A;   57 the, BSG;