CORRECTION: The Use of Polygenic Risk Scores in Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing: an Unproven, Unethical Practice (European Journal of Human Genetics, (2022), 30, 5, (493-495), 10.1038/S41431-021-01000-X)

Forzano, F
Antonova, O
Clarke, A
de Wert, G
Hentze, S
Jamshidi, Y
Moreau, Y
Perola, M
Prokopenko, I
Read, A
Cordier, C
Howard, H
Macek, M
Melegh, B
Mendes, A
Radojkovic, D
Rial Sebbag, E
Ulph, F
Document Type
Year published
in European Journal of Human Genetics, ISSN: 1018-4813
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 35982123
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85136309381
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1018-4813
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Forzano, F;   2 Antonova, O;   3 Clarke, A;
4 de Wert, G;   5 Hentze, S;   6 Jamshidi, Y;
7 Moreau, Y;   8 Perola, M;   9 Prokopenko, I;
10 Read, A;   11 Reymond, A;   12 Stefansdottir, V;
13 van El, C;   14 Genuardi, M;   15 Peterlin, B;
16 Oliveira, C;   17 Writzl, K;   18 Houge, GD;
19 Cordier, C;   20 Howard, H;   21 Macek, M;
22 Melegh, B;   23 Mendes, A;   24 Radojkovic, D;
25 Rial Sebbag, E;   26 Ulph, F;   27 on, botECotESoHG;
28 the, PaPPCotESoHG;