Risk of Recurrence After Stopping Anticoagulants in Women with Combined Oral Contraceptive-Associated Venous Thromboembolism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Abdulrehman, J
Elbaz, C
Le Gal, G
Eischer, L
Ten Cate Hoek, AJ
Nagler, M
Poli, D
Zabczyk, M
de Sousa, DA
Miranda, B
Cushman, M
Tosetto, A
Kearon, C
Skeith, L
Document Type
Year published
in BLOOD, ISSN: 0006-4971
Volume: 138
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000736398803075
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0006-4971
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Abdulrehman, J;   2 Elbaz, C;   3 Aziz, D;
4 Parpia, S;   5 Le Gal, G;   6 Fazelzad, R;
7 Eischer, L;   8 Cannegieter, S;   9 Ten Cate Hoek, AJ;
10 Nagler, M;   11 Schulman, S;   12 Rezende, SM;
13 Olie, V;   14 Palareti, G;   15 Marcucci, M;
16 Douketis, J;   17 Poli, D;   18 Zabczyk, M;
19 de Sousa, DA;   20 Miranda, B;   21 Cushman, M;
22 Tosetto, A;   23 Kearon, C;   24 Skeith, L;