A Scoring System for Predicting Malignancy in Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas: a Multicenter European Validation

Balakrishnan, A
Agami, P
Andersson, B
Berrevoet, F
Besselink, MG
Caputo, D
Carabias, A
Carrion Alvarez, L
Santiago, MJC
Mancilla, CF
Fragua, RL
Hughes, DL
Llorente, CP
Lesurtel, M
Gallagher, T
Ramia, JM
on, btS
Document Type
Year published
in Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery, ISSN: 1435-2443
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 36198881
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85139612845
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1435-2443
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Manuel Vázquez, A;   2 Balakrishnan, A;   3 Agami, P;
4 Andersson, B;   5 Berrevoet, F;   6 Besselink, MG;
7 Boggi, U;   8 Caputo, D;   9 Carabias, A;
10 Carrion Alvarez, L;   11 Franco, CC;   12 Coppola, A;
13 Dasari, BVM;   14 Diaz Mercedes, S;   15 Feretis, M;
16 Fondevila, C;   17 Fusai, GK;   18 Garcea, G;
19 Gonzabay, V;   20 Bravo, MÁG;   21 Gorris, M;
22 Hendrikx, B;   23 Hidalgo Salinas, C;   24 Kadam, P;
25 Karavias, D;   26 Kauffmann, E;   27 Kourdouli, A;
28 La Vaccara, V;   29 van Laarhoven, S;   30 Leighton, J;
31 Liem, MSL;   32 Machairas, N;   33 Magouliotis, D;
34 Mahmoud, A;   35 Marino, MV;   36 Massani, M;
37 Requena, PM;   38 Mentor, K;   39 Napoli, N;
40 Nijhuis, JHT;   41 Nikov, A;   42 Nistri, C;
43 Nunes, V;   44 Ruiz, EO;   45 Pandanaboyana, S;
46 Saborido, BP;   47 Pohnán, R;   48 Popa, M;
49 Pérez, BS;   50 Bueno, FS;   51 Serrablo, A;
52 Serradilla Martín, M;   53 Skipworth, JRA;   54 Soreide, K;
55 Symeonidis, D;   56 Zacharoulis, D;   57 Zelga, P;
58 Aliseda, D;   59 Santiago, MJC;   60 Mancilla, CF;
61 Fragua, RL;   62 Hughes, DL;   63 Llorente, CP;
64 Lesurtel, M;   65 Gallagher, T;   66 Ramia, JM;
67 on, btS;   68 Research, CotEHA(;