CORRECTION: Espnic Clinical Practice Guidelines: Intravenous Maintenance Fluid Therapy in Acute and Critically Ill Children—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Intensive Care Medicine, (2022), 10.1007/S00134-022-06882-Z)

Brossier, DW
Tume, LN
Briant, AR
Jotterand Chaparro, C
Moullet, C
Rooze, S
Verbruggen, SCAT
Marino, LV
Alsohime, F
Beldjilali, S
Pappachan, JV
Porcheret, F
Reis Boto, L
Schlapbach, LJ
Tekguc, H
Tziouvas, K
Parienti, JJ
Goyer, I
Valla, FV
Document Type
Year published
in Intensive Care Medicine, ISSN: 0342-4642
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 36434102
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85142922296
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0342-4642
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Brossier, DW;   2 Tume, LN;   3 Briant, AR;
4 Jotterand Chaparro, C;   5 Moullet, C;   6 Rooze, S;
7 Verbruggen, SCAT;   8 Marino, LV;   9 Alsohime, F;
10 Beldjilali, S;   11 Chiusolo, F;   12 Costa, L;
13 Didier, C;   14 Ilia, S;   15 Joram, NL;
16 Kneyber, MCJ;   17 Kühlwein, E;   18 Lopez, J;
19 López Herce, J;   20 Mayberry, HF;   21 Mehmeti, F;
22 Mierzewska Schmidt, M;   23 Miñambres Rodríguez, M;   24 Morice, C;
25 Pappachan, JV;   26 Porcheret, F;   27 Reis Boto, L;
28 Schlapbach, LJ;   29 Tekguc, H;   30 Tziouvas, K;
31 Parienti, JJ;   32 Goyer, I;   33 Valla, FV;
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