Global Trends in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services from 1900 to 2050

Rosa, IM
Martins, IS
Kim, H
Leadley, P
Popp, A
van Vuuren, DP
Hurtt, G
Anthoni, P
Arneth, A
Stehfest, E
Strassburg, BBN
Takahashi, K
Talluto, MV
Thuiller, W
Titeux, N
Visconti, P
Ware, C
Wolf, F
Alkemade, R
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Pereira, HM;   2 Rosa, IM;   3 Martins, IS;
4 Kim, H;   5 Leadley, P;   6 Popp, A;
7 van Vuuren, DP;   8 Hurtt, G;   9 Anthoni, P;
10 Arneth, A;   11 Baisero, D;   12 Chaplin-Kramer, R;
13 Chini, L;   14 Di Fulvio, F;   15 Di Marco, M;
16 Ferrier, S;   17 Fujimori, S;   18 Guerra, CA;
19 Harfoot, M;   20 Harwood, TD;   21 Hasegawa, T;
22 Haverd, V;   23 Havlík, P;   24 Hellweg, S;
25 Hilbers, JP;   26 Hill, SLL;   27 Hirata, A;
28 Hoskins, AJ;   29 Humpenöder, F;   30 Janse, JH;
31 Jetz, W;   32 Johnson, JA;   33 Krause, A;
34 Leclère, D;   35 Matsui, T;   36 Meijer, JR;
37 Merow, C;   38 Obsersteiner, M;   39 Ohashi, H;
40 Poulter, B;   41 Purvis, A;   42 Quesada, B;
43 Rondinini, C;   44 Schipper, AM;   45 Settele, J;
46 Sharp, R;   47 Stehfest, E;   48 Strassburg, BBN;
49 Takahashi, K;   50 Talluto, MV;   51 Thuiller, W;
52 Titeux, N;   53 Visconti, P;   54 Ware, C;
55 Wolf, F;   56 Alkemade, R;