The Complexity of Tobacco Smoke-Induced Mutagenesis in Head and Neck Cancer

Torrens, L
Moody, S
de Carvalho, AC
Kazachkova, M
Abedi-Ardekani, B
Cheema, S
Senkin, S
Cattiaux, T
Cortez Cardoso Penha, R
Atkins, JR
Curado, MP
Canova, C
Fabianova, E
Rodríguez-Urrego, PA
Humphreys, L
Alexandrov, LB
Brennan, P
Stratton, MR
Perdomo, S
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Torrens, L;   2 Moody, S;   3 de Carvalho, AC;
4 Kazachkova, M;   5 Abedi-Ardekani, B;   6 Cheema, S;
7 Senkin, S;   8 Cattiaux, T;   9 Cortez Cardoso Penha, R;
10 Atkins, JR;   11 Gaborieau, V;   12 Chopard, P;
13 Carreira, C;   14 Abbasi, A;   15 Bergstrom, EN;
16 Vangara, R;   17 Wang, J;   18 Fitzgerald, S;
19 Latimer, C;   20 Diaz-Gay, M;   21 Jones, D;
22 Teague, J;   23 Ribeiro Pinto, F;   24 Kowalski, LP;
25 Polesel, J;   26 Giudici, F;   27 de Oliveira, JC;
28 Lagiou, P;   29 Lagiou, A;   30 Vilensky, M;
31 Mates, D;   32 Mates, IN;   33 Arantes, LM;
34 Reis, R;   35 Podesta, JRV;   36 von Zeidler, SV;
37 Holcatova, I;   38 Curado, MP;   39 Canova, C;
40 Fabianova, E;   41 Rodríguez-Urrego, PA;   42 Humphreys, L;
43 Alexandrov, LB;   44 Brennan, P;   45 Stratton, MR;
46 Perdomo, S;