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Currently, the Authenticus database includes publications from researchers associated to Portuguese researchers that are indexed by ISI Web-of-Knowledge, Scopus, ORCID and DBLP.
Authenticus restricts access to the full publication metadata to users that normally have access to this information in their institutions. This is the case for users that can authenticate using the federated authenticiation provided by FCCN, which also serves to certify b-on access.
When a user logins in Authenticus, he gains access to the "My Data" menu. This menu includes, among others, an entry "To validate" that once clicked allows the user to see 3 lists of publications:
- Identified list. These are publications that Authenticus identified as being yours with high certainty. By default, each publication is marked as yours and the author name to which you were associated is also displayed. If the publication is not yours, you need to click on "No". At the end of the displayed list, you should confirm the marked publications as yours or not yours. Those confirmed as yours, will go into the confirmed list.
- Probable list. These are publications for which Authenticus has you as a potential author, although with a certainty that is below a decision threshold. Here, by default, the publications are marked as not yours. If one of the publications is indeed yours, then you need to click on "Yes" for that publication. At the end of the displayed list, you should confirm the listed publications as yours or not yours. This confirmation moves the publications confirmed as yours to the confirmed list, those that are not yours will be removed from your probable list.
- Selected list. This are publications that you added as new and are awaiting identification by Authenticus. You can nevertheless confirm which of the authors is you.
For now, we only include some bibliometric indicators for individual researchers. This is still ongoing work and its intent is mostly to empower the researcher with information that he may find it useful for his own publication strategy. In the near future, we will also implement bibliometric indicators for institutions.