Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI)
Departamento de Engenharia Informática

AuthID: I-000-0K9

Publications Count: 3893

49 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2024
TITLE: A spatiotemporal extension for dealing with moving objects with extent in Oracle 11g
AUTHORS: Luís Matos; José Moreira; Alexandre Carvalho ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 2, PAGES: 7-17
TITLE: A structured environment to facilitate agreements
AUTHORS: Oliveira, E ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 1st International Conference on Agreement Technologies, AT 2012 in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, VOLUME: 918, PAGES: 351-352
TITLE: A Survey on Ambient Intelligence Projects
AUTHORS: Daniel Sampaio; Luis Paulo Reis ; Rui Rodrigues ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) in INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES
TITLE: A Topology-based Model for Estimating the Diagnostic Efficiency of Statistics-based Approaches
AUTHORS: Alexandre Perez ; Andre Riboira; Rui Abreu ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW) in 23RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING WORKSHOPS (ISSRE 2012), PAGES: 171-176
TITLE: A Ubiquitous Ambient Assisted Living Solution to Promote Safer Independent Living in Older Adults Suffering from Co-morbidity
AUTHORS: Sandra Prescher; Alan K Bourke; Friedrich Koehler; Angelo Martins ; Hugo Sereno Ferreira ; Tiago Boldt Sousa; Rui Nuno Castro; Antonio Santos; Marc Torrent; Sergi Gomis; Margarita Hospedales; John Nelson;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBS) in 2012 ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY (EMBC), PAGES: 5118-5121
TITLE: A Ubiquitous Solution for Location-Aware Games
AUTHORS: André Pinto; António Coelho ; Hugo da Silva;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 11th International Conference on Entertainment Computing, ICEC 2012 in Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2012 - 11th International Conference, ICEC 2012, Bremen, Germany, September 26-29, 2012. Proceedings, VOLUME: 7522, PAGES: 578-583
TITLE: A Web Portal for the Certification of Open Source Software
AUTHORS: Pedro Martins ; João Paulo Fernandes ; João Saraiva ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, SEFM 2012, 1st International Symposium on InSuEdu 2012, 1st International Symposium on MoKMaSD 2012, 6th International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for OpenCert 2012 in Information Technology and Open Source: Applications for Education, Innovation, and Sustainability - SEFM 2012 Satellite Events, InSuEdu, MoKMaDS, and OpenCert, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 1-2, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, VOLUME: 7991, PAGES: 244-260
TITLE: Adapting strategies to opponent models in incomplete information games: A reinforcement learning approach for poker
AUTHORS: Teofilo, LF ; Passos, N; Reis, LP ; Cardoso, HL ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 3rd International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, AIS 2012 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), VOLUME: 7326 LNAI, PAGES: 220-227
TITLE: AI for the win. improving spectrum-based fault localization
AUTHORS: Birgit Hofer; Franz Wotawa; Rui Abreu ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes - ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, VOLUME: 37, ISSUE: 6, PAGES: 1
TITLE: AI for the win: improving spectrum-based fault localization
AUTHORS: Birgit Hofer; Franz Wotawa; Rui Abreu ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, VOLUME: 37, ISSUE: 6, PAGES: 1-8
TITLE: An active audition framework for auditory-driven HRI: Application to interactive robot dancing
AUTHORS: Oliveira, JL ; Ince, G; Nakamura, K; Nakadai, K; Okuno, HG; Reis, LP ; Gouyon, F ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 2012 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN 2012 in Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, PAGES: 1078-1085
TITLE: An Approach to Advisory-Based Traffic Control
AUTHORS: Macedo, J; Soares, M; Timoteo, I; Rossetti, RJF ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) in INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES
TITLE: An Experimental Study of the Combination of Meta-Learning with Particle Swarm Algorithms for SVM Parameter Selection
AUTHORS: Pericles B C de Miranda; Ricardo B C Prudencio; Andre Carlos P L F de Carvalho; Carlos Soares ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) in COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2012, PT III, VOLUME: 7335, ISSUE: PART 3, PAGES: 562-575
TITLE: An integrated architecture for autonomous vehicles simulation
AUTHORS: José L F Pereira; Rosaldo J F Rossetti ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2012 in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2012, Riva, Trento, Italy, March 26-30, 2012, PAGES: 286-292
TITLE: An Online Recommendation System for the Taxi Stand choice Problem
AUTHORS: Luis Moreira Matias ; Ricardo Fernandes; Joao Gama ; Michel Ferreira ; Joao Mendes Moreira ; Luis Damas ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) in 2012 IEEE VEHICULAR NETWORKING CONFERENCE (VNC), PAGES: 173-180
TITLE: An optimized conflict-free replicated set
AUTHORS: Annette Bieniusa; Marek Zawirski; Nuno M. Preguiça; Marc Shapiro; Carlos Baquero ; Valter Balegas; Sérgio Duarte;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: CoRR, VOLUME: abs/1210.3368
TITLE: An Urban Ontology to Generate Collaborative Virtual Environments for Municipal Planning and Management
AUTHORS: Tiago Martins; Pedro Brandão Silva; António Coelho ; Augusto A de Sousa ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, GRAPP 2012 and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, IVAPP 2012 in GRAPP & IVAPP 2012: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy, 24-26 February, 2012, PAGES: 507-510
TITLE: Analysing Tactics in Architectural Patterns
AUTHORS: Sanchez, A ; Aguiar, A ; Barbosa, LS ; Riesco, D;
TITLE: Analysis of error detection schemes: Toolchain support and hardware/software implications
AUTHORS: Ali Azarian ; João Canas Ferreira ; Stephan Werner; Zlatko Petrov; João M P Cardoso ; Michael Hübner;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 2012 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, AHS 2012 in 2012 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, AHS 2012, Erlangen, Germany, June 25-28, 2012, PAGES: 62-69
TITLE: ANTE: Agreement Negotiation in Normative and Trust-Enabled Environments
AUTHORS: Henrique Lopes Cardoso ; Joana Urbano ; Pedro Brandao; Ana Paula Rocha ; Eugenio Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 10th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems in ADVANCES ON PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS, VOLUME: 155, PAGES: 261-264

Results per Page: 20.
Page 129 of 195. Total results: 3893.