Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI)
Departamento de Engenharia Informática

AuthID: I-000-0K9

Publications Count: 3959

49 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: Stereo Based 3D Perception for Obstacle Avoidance in Autonomous Wheelchair Navigation
AUTHORS: Gomes, Bruno; Jose M Torres ; Sobral, Pedro; Sousa, A. ; Reis, Luis Paulo ;
TITLE: Study on LSTM and ConvLSTM Memory-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning
AUTHORS: Fernando Fradique Duarte; Nuno Lau; Artur Pereira; Luís Paulo Reis ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Agents and Artificial Intelligence - 15th International Conference, ICAART 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, February 22-24, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, VOLUME: 14546, PAGES: 223-243
TITLE: Studying the Impact of Sampling in Highly Frequent Time Series
AUTHORS: Ferreira, Paulo J. S.; Mendes Moreira, Joao ; Rodrigues, Arlete;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 22nd EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA) in PROGRESS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, EPIA 2023, PT I, VOLUME: 14115, PAGES: 251-262
TITLE: Task Model Design and Analysis with Alloy
AUTHORS: Cunha, Alcino ; Macedo, Nuno ; Kang, Eunsuk;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 9th International Conference on Rigorous State-Based Methods (ABZ) in RIGOROUS STATE-BASED METHODS, ABZ 2023, VOLUME: 14010, PAGES: 303-320
TITLE: Telephone-based psychological crisis intervention: the Portuguese experience with COVID-19
AUTHORS: Eugénia Ribeiro; Adriana Sampaio; Miguel M Gonçalves; Maria Do Céu Taveira; Jácome Cunha ; Ângela Maia; Marlene Matos; Sónia Gonçalves; Bárbara Figueiredo; Teresa Freire; Tércio Soares;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Transformed the Mental Health Landscape, PAGES: 39-52
TITLE: The Design of Digital Platform Ecosystem Supporting Circular Economy
AUTHORS: Marantes, Goncalo; Soares, Antonio Lucas ; Silva, Henrique Diogo ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 24th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE) in COLLABORATIVE NETWORKS IN DIGITALIZATION AND SOCIETY 5.0, PRO-VE 2023, VOLUME: 688, PAGES: 80-90
TITLE: The Evolution of Web Search User Interfaces - An Archaeological Analysis of Google Search Engine Result Pages
AUTHORS: Bruno Oliveira; Carla Teixeira Lopes ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, CHIIR 2023, Austin, TX, USA, March 19-23, 2023, PAGES: 55-68
TITLE: The role of kiosks on health services: a systematic review
AUTHORS: Oliveira, Eva; Pacheco, Paulo; Santos, Fatima; Coimbra, Joao; Stamper, John; Coelho, Antonio ; Paredes, Hugo ; Alves, Joana; Rodrigues, Nuno Feixa ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: IEEE 11th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH) in 2023 IEEE 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SERIOUS GAMES AND APPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH, SEGAH, PAGES: 1-6
TITLE: The Singing Bridge: Sonification of a Stress-Ribbon Footbridge
AUTHORS: Torresan, C; Bernardes, G ; Elsa Caetano ; Restivo, T ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 11th EAI International Conference on ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation, ArtsIT 2022 in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, VOLUME: 479 LNICST, PAGES: 359-373
TITLE: The Smelly Eight: An Empirical Study on the Prevalence of Code Smells in Quantum Computing
AUTHORS: Chen, Qihong; Camara, Ruben; Campos, Jose ; Souto, Andre; Ahmed, Iftekhar;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 45th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) in 2023 IEEE/ACM 45TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, ICSE, PAGES: 358-370
TITLE: Time-limited Bloom Filter
AUTHORS: Rodrigues, Ana; Shtul, Ariel; Baquero, Carlos ; Almeida, Paulo Sergio ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 38th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) in 38TH ANNUAL ACM SYMPOSIUM ON APPLIED COMPUTING, SAC 2023, PAGES: 1285-1288
TITLE: To Enhance Full-Text Biomedical Document Classification Through Semantic Enrichment
AUTHORS: Carlos Adriano Gonçalves ; Seara S Vieira; Célia Talma Gonçalves; Lourdes Borrajo; Rui Camacho ; Eva Lorenzo Iglesias;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, HAIS 2023 in Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems - 18th International Conference, HAIS 2023, Salamanca, Spain, September 5-7, 2023, Proceedings, VOLUME: 14001, PAGES: 554-565
TITLE: Tools for Refactoring to Microservices: A Preliminary Usability Report
AUTHORS: Jonas Fritzsch; Filipe F Correia ; Justus Bogner; Stefan Wagner;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: CoRR, VOLUME: abs/2311.04798
TITLE: TouchRay: Towards Low-effort Object Selection at Any Distance in DeskVR
AUTHORS: Monteiro, Joao; Mendes, Daniel ; Rodrigues, Rui ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) in 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MIXED AND AUGMENTED REALITY, ISMAR, PAGES: 999-1005
TITLE: Towards a Digital Twin Simulation for Cycle Times Analysis in a Cyber-Physical Production System
AUTHORS: Vinicius Barbosa; Rui Pinto; João Pinheiro; Gil Gonçalves ; Anabela Ribeiro;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, SIMULTECH 2023, Rome, Italy, July 12-14, 2023., VOLUME: 1, PAGES: 369-376
TITLE: Towards an IDE for Scientific Computational Experiments
AUTHORS: Costa, Lazaro; Barbosa, Susana ; Cunha, Jacome ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) in 2023 IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON VISUAL LANGUAGES AND HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING, VL/HCC, PAGES: 290-292
TITLE: Towards Computer Assisted Compliance Assessment in the Development of Software as a Medical Device
AUTHORS: Sadra Farshid; Bruno Lima ; João Faria;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
TITLE: Towards Computer Assisted Compliance Assessment in the Development of Software as a Medical Device
AUTHORS: Sadra Farshid; Bruno Lima; João Pascoal Faria ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies, ICSOFT 2023, Rome, Italy, July 10-12, 2023., PAGES: 728-735
TITLE: Towards Enriched Controllability for Educational Question Generation
AUTHORS: Leite, Bernardo; Cardoso, Henrique Lopes ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) in ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION, AIED 2023, VOLUME: 13916, PAGES: 786-791
TITLE: Towards Explaining Shortcut Learning Through Attention Visualization and Adversarial Attacks
AUTHORS: Correia, Pedro Goncalo; Cardoso, Henrique Lopes ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 24th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN) in 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORKS, EAAAI/EANN 2023, VOLUME: 1826, PAGES: 558-569

Results per Page: 20.
Page 19 of 198. Total results: 3959.