Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (IPC)
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra

Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 5667

519 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: Robustness assessment of model-based control for the Archimedes Wave Swing
AUTHORS: Valerio, D; Beirao, P ; Mendes, MJGC; Sa Da Costa, J;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 2009 10th European Control Conference, ECC 2009 in 2009 European Control Conference, ECC 2009, PAGES: 3749-3754
TITLE: Robustness assessment of model-based control for the archimedes wave swing
AUTHORS: Duarte Valério; Pedro Beirão ; Mário J G C Mendes; José S d Costa;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: European Control Conference 2009
TITLE: Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp., on potato in Portugal
AUTHORS: Isabel Luci P M da Conceicao ; Maria Jose M da Cunha ; Gil Feio; Margarida Correia; Clara C V Vieira dos Santos; Isabel de O. Abrantes ; Susana de A. D Santos;
TITLE: School buildings assets-maintenance management and organization for vertical transportation equipments
AUTHORS: Perez, AA; Vieira, ACV ; Cardoso, AJM ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management: Engineering Asset Lifecycle Management, WCEAM 2009 in Engineering Asset Lifecycle Management - Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, WCEAM 2009, PAGES: 59-67
TITLE: Seamless Mobility of Senders Transmitting Multi-user Sessions over Heterogeneous Networks
AUTHORS: Luis Veloso; Eduardo Cerqueira; Paulo Mendes ; Edmundo Monteiro ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 7th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications in WIRED/WIRELESS INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS, VOLUME: 5546, PAGES: 121-132
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: Semantic enrichment of places: Ontology learning from web  Full Text
AUTHORS: Ana Alves ; Bruno Antunes; Francisco C Pereira; Carlos Bento;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, VOLUME: 13, ISSUE: 1, PAGES: 19-30
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 7
TITLE: Sensitivity of runoff and soil erosion to climate change in two Mediterranean watersheds. Part I: model parameterization and evaluation  Full Text
AUTHORS: Nunes, JP ; Seixas, J ; Keizer, JJ ; Ferreira, AJD ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 20
TITLE: Simulation Model and Road Tests Comparative Results of a Small Urban Electric Vehicle
AUTHORS: Joao P Trovao ; Paulo G Pereirinha ; Humberto M Jorge ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON 2009) in IECON: 2009 35TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1-6, PAGES: 772-777
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 29
TITLE: Simulation Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks based on the TrueTime Toolbox
AUTHORS: Alberto Cardoso ; Sergio Santos; Amancio Santos ; Paulo Gil ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON 2009) in IECON: 2009 35TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1-6, PAGES: 1990-1995
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 4
TITLE: Spermicides, Microbicides and Antiviral Agents: Recent Advances in the Development of Novel Multi-Functional Compounds
AUTHORS: Marta Baptista; Joao Ramalho Santos ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 2
TITLE: State Condition Estimation of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Used on the Primary Side of ATX Power Supplies
AUTHORS: Acacio M R Amaral ; Marques Cardoso, AJM ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON 2009) in IECON: 2009 35TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOLS 1-6, PAGES: 408-413
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 18
TITLE: Study Lung Tool: A Way to Understand HRTC Lung Parenchyma
AUTHORS: Vasconcelos, V ; Silva, JS ; Barroso, J ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 11th International Congress of the IUPESM/World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in WORLD CONGRESS ON MEDICAL PHYSICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL 25, PT 2 - DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING, VOLUME: 25, ISSUE: 2, PAGES: 909-912
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: Study of saline wastewater influence on activated sludge flocs through automated image analysis  Full Text
AUTHORS: Daniela P Mesquita ; Antonio L Amaral ; Eugenio C Ferreira ; Maria A Z Coelho;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 11
TITLE: SVR controller of a biped robot in the sagittal plane when pulling a mass
AUTHORS: Joao P Ferreira ; Manuel Crisostomo ; Paulo P Coimbra ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 14th International Conference on Advanced Robotics in ICAR: 2009 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED ROBOTICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, PAGES: 210-215
TITLE: SVR Versus Neural-Fuzzy Network Controllers for the Sagittal Balance of a Biped Robot  Full Text
AUTHORS: Joao P Ferreira ; Manuel M Crisostomo ; Paulo P Coimbra ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 32
TITLE: Systematic selection of extraction solvents in the aromatics production
AUTHORS: Dina M J Machado; Filipe J M Neves; Fernando P Mendes; Paulo P Araujo; Belmiro P.M. Duarte ; Nuno M C Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 19th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering in 19TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING, VOLUME: 26, PAGES: 75-80
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: The CBM Collaboration  Full Text
AUTHORS: Abel, N; Adamczewski, J; Adamova, D; Aggarwal, MM; Ahmad, N; Ahmad, Z; Akindinov, A; Akishin, P; Akishina, E; Akishina, T; Al Turany, M; Alyushin, M; Amar Youcef, S; Ammosov, V; Andelic, M; Andrei, C; Andronic, A; Yu Anisimov; Antipin, K; Appelshauser, H; Arefiev, A; Armbruster, T; Artamonov, A; Atkin, E; Azmi, MD; Baba, PVKS; Badura, E; Baginyan, S; Bandyopadhyay, S; Baranova, N; Bashindzhagyan, G; Basrak, Z; Baublis, V; Belogurov, S; Berceanu, I; Berdermann, E; Berdnikov, A; Berdnikov, Y; Berendes, R; Bergmann, C; Bertini, D; Besliu, C; Bezshyyko, O; Bhaduri, P; Bhasin, A; Bhati, AK; Bhattacharjee, B; Bhattacharya, A; Bocharov, Y; Bogolyubsky, M; Boldizsar, L; Bondar, N; Borysova, M; Bottger, S; Braun Munzinger, P; Bruning, U; Brzychczyk, J; Bubak, A; Caplar, R; Cai, X; Calin, M; Caragheorgheopol, G; Carevic, I; Catanescu, V; Chakraborti, A; Chatterji, S; Chattopadhyay, S; Chattopadhyay, S; Chattopadhyay, S; Chaus, A; Chen, H; Cheng, J; Chepurnov, V; Chernenko, S; Chernogorov, A; Chubarov, M; Ciobanu, M; Claus, G; Covlea, V; Cozma, D; Csanad, M; D'Ascenzo, N; Das, D; Das, I; Davkov, V; Davkov, K; De, M; De, R; Debnath, B; Denes, E; Deng, Z; Denisova, O; Deppe, H; Deppner, I; Dermenev, A; Deveaux, M; Dey, M; Dorokhov, A; Dritsa, C; Dubey, A; Dulinski, W; Dutt Mazumdar, AK; Dutta, T; Dutta, D; DuttaMajumdar, MR; Dyatchenko, V; Dzelalija, M; Engel, H; Esanu, T; Eschke, J; Essel, H; Fateev, O; Ferreira Marques, R; Fischer, P; Flemming, H; Fodor, Z; Fonte, P ; Frohlich, I; Froning, H; Friese, V; Futo, E; Gasparic, I; Gajda, J; Galatyuk, T; Galkin, V; Galkin, A; Gangopadhyay, G; Gao, W; Garabatos, C; Gasik, P; Gebelein, J; Ghosh, P; Yu Gilitsky; Golovatyuk, V; Golovnya, S; Golovtsov, V; Golubeva, M; Golubkov, D; Golutvin, A; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Gorbunov, S; Gorokhov, S; Gottschalk, D; Ju Gousakov; Grosse, E; Grybos, P; Grzeszczuk, A; Guber, F; Gumenuik, A; Gupta, A; Hartig, M; Heidel, K; Heine, N; Herghelegiu, A; Herrmann, N; Heuser, J; Himmi, A; Hohne, C; Holzmann, R; Hong, B; Hutsch, J; Ierusalimov, A; Igolkin, S; Ilyushenko, I; Im Kang, T; Irfan, M; Ivanov, V; Ivanov, V; Ivanov, V; Ivashkin, A; Jaaskelainen, K; Jakovlev, V; Jinaru, A; Jipa, A; Kachel, M; Kadenko, I; Kalita, H; Kampfer, B; Karasev, V; Karavichev, O; Karavicheva, T; Karmanov, D; Karpechev, E; Kashif, EM; Kasinski, K; Kaur, M; Kazantsev, A; Kebschull, U; Kecskemeti, J; Kekelidze, G; Khan, MM; Khan, SA; Khanzadeev, A; Yu Kharlov; Khasanov, F; Kis, M; Kim, J; Kirejczyk, M; Kisel, I; Kiselev, S; Kiseleva, A; Kiss, T; Kiss, A; Ch Klein Bosing; Klein Bosing, M; Kleipa, V; Kluev, A; Koch, K; Koczon, P; Kolb, B; Komkov, B; Konstantinov, D; Korobchuk, P; Korolev, M; Korolko, I; Korotkova, N; Kotte, R; Kotynia, A; Kovalchuk, A; Kowalski, S; Koziel, M; Krauze, M; Kreidel, C; Kresan, D; Kryshen, E; Kudin, L; Kudryashov, I; Kugel, A; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Lochner, S; Ladygin, V; Lara, C; Lashaev, S; Laszlo, A; Lazanu, I; Lebedev, A; Lebedev, S; Lee, H; Lemke, F; Li, C; Li, Y; Li, Y; Li, J; Lindenstruth, V; Linev, S; Litvinenko, E; Lobanov, I; Lobanova, E; Loizeau, P; Lucenko, V; Lymanets, A; Maevskaya, A; Mahapatra, DP; Maiatski, V; Maj, P; Majka, Z; Malakhov, A; Malyatina, O; Mangiarotti, A; Manjavidze, J; Manko, V; Manner, R; Manz, S; Matulewicz, T; Matyushevskiy, E; Melnik, A; Merkin, M; Mialkovski, V; Mikhailov, K; Militsija, V; Mir, MF; Mohanty, B; Muller, WFJ; Muller Klieser, S; Muntz, C; Murin, Y; Murthy, GSN; Nadtochii, A; Naumann, L; Nayak, T; Niebur, W; Nikulin, V; Nussle, M; Onishchuk, Y; Ososkov, G; Ossetski, D; Pal, L; Pal, S; Pal, S; Ya Panasenko; Peric, I; Peshekhonov, D; Peshekhonov, V; Peshenichnov, I; Petracek, V; Petris, M; Petrovici, M; Petrovici, A; Petrovskiy, A; Piasecki, K; Plekhanov, E; Plujko, V; Poliakov, A; Polozov, P; Pop, A; Popov, V; Pospisil, V; Pozdniakov, V; Prakash, A; Prokudin, M; Pugatch, V; Rohrich, D; Rami, F; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Raportirenko, A; Rasin, V; Reshetin, A; Riabov, Y; Rogachevsky, O; Rostchin, E; Rostovtseva, I; Roy, A; Roy, P; Rozynek, J; Ryazantsev, A; Rykalin, V; Ryzhinskiy, M; Sadovsky, A; Sadovsky, S; Sahu, PK; Saini, Y; Sambyal, SS; Samsonov, V; Sang Ryu, M; Saveliev, V; Schiaua, C; Schmidt, CJ; Schrader, C; Schweda, K; Scurtu, A; Seddiki, S; Seliverstov, D; Semak, A; Semennikov, A; Senger, P; Shao, M; Sharkov, G; Shevchenko, V; Sikora, B; Silaev, A; Sim, KS; Simakov, A; Singaraju, RN; Singh, V; Singh, CP; Singh, BK; Singh, AK; Singhal, V; Sinha, T; Siwek Wilczynska, K; Skoda, L; Soldatov, A; Solin, L; Soltveit, HK; Cs Soos; Sorokin, Y; Staszel, P; Stavinskiy, A; Steinle, C; Stephan, E; Stolpovsky, P; Storozhyk, D; Strobele, H; Strikhanov, M; Stroth, J; Sun, Y; Sviridov, Y; Szczygiel, R; Tang, Z; Tarassenkova, O; Tiflov, V; Tlusty, P; Tolyhi, T; Topil'skaya, N; Torheim, O; Trivedy, P; Yu Tsyupa; Uhlig, F; Ukhanov, M; Ullaland, K; Vakil, GB; Valin, I; Vassiliev, I; Velica, S; Vesztergombi, G; Victorov, V; Viyogi, YP; Volkov, Y; Volkov, S; Vorobiev, A; Voronin, A; Vznuzdaev, E; Wang, Y; Wang, X; Wang, Y; Wendisch, C; Wessels, J; Wilk, A; Winter, M; Wisniewski, K; Wurz, A; Wustenfeld, J; Xu, C; Yi, JG; Yin, Z; Yoo, IK; Yue, Q; Yushmanov, I; Zaets, V; Zaitsev, Y; Yu Zanevsky; Zelnicek, P; Zhalov, M; Zhang, Z; Zhang, Y; Zhou, D; Zhu, X; Zinchenko, A; Zipper, W; Zoladz, M; Zrelov, P; Zrjuev, V; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Nuclear Physics A, VOLUME: 830, ISSUE: 1-4, PAGES: 942c-944c
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef
TITLE: The Contribution of Terology for a Sustainable Future
AUTHORS: Torres T Farinha ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Energy Planning, Energy Saving, Environmental Education/3rd WSEAS RES 2009/3rd WSEAS WWAI 2009 in ENERGY PROBLEMS AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, PAGES: 110-118
TITLE: The HADES Collaboration  Full Text
AUTHORS: Balanda, A; Belver, D; Belyaev, AV; Blanco, A ; Bohmer, M; Boyard, JL; Braun Munzinger, P; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Diaz, J; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, OV; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Frohlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhauser, R; Gil, A; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Guber, F; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Huck, P; Ierusalimov, AP; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kampfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kopp, A; Kotte, R; Kozuch, A; Krasa, A; Krizek, F; Krucken, R; Kuhn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Kahlitz, PK; Lamas Valverde, J; Lang, S; Lange, JS; Lapidus, K; Liu, T; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Moriniere, E; Mousa, J; Muntz, C; Naumann, L; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Roskoss, J; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Siebenson, J; Simon, R; Sobolev, YG; Spruck, B; Strobele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Sudol, M; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Veretenkin, I; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wisniowski, M; Wiistenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, YV; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Nuclear Physics A, VOLUME: 830, ISSUE: 1-4, PAGES: 957c
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef

Results per Page: 20.
Page 226 of 284. Total results: 5667.