Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM)
Centro de Telecomunicações e Multimédia

Inesc Technology and Science (INESC TEC) :: NIS: Networked Intelligent Systems

How to do Validate Structure:
Please note, the Institutional structure is an important element to retrieve correct information for bibliometric purposes. The structure may be different in each year. If you find that a structure for a given year is incorrect, please send us an email to support@authenticus.pt with informations on how to correct it.
Why Validate Structure:
Please note, the Institutional structure is an important element to retrieve correct information for bibliometric purposes. The structure may be different in each year. If you find that a structure for a given year is incorrect, please send us an email to support@authenticus.pt with informations on how to correct it.
How to do something:
Please note, the Institutional structure is an important element to retrieve correct information for bibliometric purposes. The structure may be different in each year. If you find that a structure for a given year is incorrect, please send us an email to support@authenticus.pt with informations on how to correct it.
Please note, the Institutional structure is an important element to retrieve correct information for bibliometric purposes. The structure may be different in each year. If you find that a structure for a given year is incorrect, please send us an email to support@authenticus.pt with informations on how to correct it.
How to edit:
Please send an email to support@authenticus.pt with the changes you want to make on the structure of the Institution.
Include information about the year(s) for which that structure is valid and the respective structure tree.

Year Filter:

Institutions Associated with Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM) in year 2024 does not exist.