Rn Iii: Multiscale Geological Processes Across The Ocean Margins (RN III)
Rn Iii: Processos Geológicos Multi-Escala Através Da Margem Continental

Marine and Environmental Research Centre (CIMA)

How to do Validate Structure:
Please note, instituional structure is an important element in retrieving correct information for bibliometic purpuses. Structrue may differ for each year. If you find a structure for a given year incorrect, please send us email to support@authenticus.pt with informations how to edit it.
Why Validate Structure:
Please note, instituional structure is an important element in retrieving correct information for bibliometic purpuses. Structrue may differ for each year. If you find a structure for a given year incorrect, please send us email to support@authenticus.pt with informations how to edit it.
How to do something:
Please note, instituional structure is an important element in retrieving correct information for bibliometic purpuses. Structrue may differ for each year. If you find a structure for a given year incorrect, please send us email to support@authenticus.pt with informations how to edit it.
Please note, instituional structure is an important element in retrieving correct information for bibliometic purpuses. Structrue may differ for each year. If you find a structure for a given year incorrect, please send us email to support@authenticus.pt with informations how to edit it.
How to edit:
Please, send an email to support@authenticus.pt with informations how to edit this institution structure.
Include information about year(s) for which structrue is valid and the structure tree.
Source Note:
This Organizational structure for 2024 year was derived from structure from year 2017.
Source Count:
Exists 1 source(s) of organizational structure in 2024.

Year Filter:

Organizational Structure of Rn Iii: Multiscale Geological Processes Across The Ocean Margins (RN III) in year 2024.
Organizational structure for 2024 year was derived from structure from year 2017.