The Research Centre in Physical Activity, Health and Leisure (CIAFEL)
Centro de Investigação Em Actividade Fìsica, Saúde e Lazer

Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR)

How to do Validate Structure:
Please note, instituional structure is an important element in retrieving correct information for bibliometic purpuses. Structrue may differ for each year. If you find a structure for a given year incorrect, please send us email to with informations how to edit it.
Why Validate Structure:
Please note, instituional structure is an important element in retrieving correct information for bibliometic purpuses. Structrue may differ for each year. If you find a structure for a given year incorrect, please send us email to with informations how to edit it.
How to do something:
Please note, instituional structure is an important element in retrieving correct information for bibliometic purpuses. Structrue may differ for each year. If you find a structure for a given year incorrect, please send us email to with informations how to edit it.
Please note, instituional structure is an important element in retrieving correct information for bibliometic purpuses. Structrue may differ for each year. If you find a structure for a given year incorrect, please send us email to with informations how to edit it.
How to edit:
Please, send an email to with informations how to edit this institution structure.
Include information about year(s) for which structrue is valid and the structure tree.
Source Note:
This Associations structure for 2024 year was derived from structure from year 2023.

Year Filter:

Instituions Associated with The Research Centre in Physical Activity, Health and Leisure (CIAFEL) in year 2024 does not exist.