TITLE: Enhancing Automotive Products with TinyML and MEMS Sensors: A Preliminary Approach
AUTHORS: Lídia Sousa; Rui Silva; Peixoto, Hugo ; Pedro Melo Pinto; André Costa; César Melo; Pedro Delgado; Vitor Fukuda; José Machado;
PUBLISHED: 2025, SOURCE: 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, DSAI 2024 in Communications in Computer and Information Science, VOLUME: 2318 CCIS
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef
TITLE: Harnessing Data Mining to Predict Survival Outcomes in Patients with Hepatic Cirrhosis
AUTHORS: Regina Sousa ; Madalena Passos; Mariana Almeida; Mariana Ribeiro; Peixoto, Hugo ;
PUBLISHED: 2024, SOURCE: 15th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies Networks, ANT 2024 / The 7th International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0, EDI40 2024 in Procedia Computer Science, VOLUME: 238
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef Unpaywall
TITLE: Revolutionising the Quality of Life: The Role of Real-Time Sensing in Smart Cities  Full Text
AUTHORS: Miranda, Rui; Alves, Carlos; Sousa, Regina ; Chaves, Antonio; Montenegro, Larissa; Peixoto, Hugo ; Duraes, Dalila; Machado, Ricardo; Abelha, Antonio ; Novais, Paulo; José Machado ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef Unpaywall
TITLE: Towards a Standardized Real-Time Data Repository based on Laboratory Test Results
AUTHORS: Regina Sousa ; Peixoto, Hugo ; Tiago Guimarães; António Abelha ; José Machado ;
PUBLISHED: 2024, SOURCE: 14th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks / 13th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare, EUSPN/ICTH 2023 in Procedia Computer Science, VOLUME: 231
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 1
TITLE: A Comprehensive Study on Personal and Medical Information to Predict Diabetes
AUTHORS: Pimenta, Nuno; Sousa, Regina ; Peixoto, Hugo ; José Machado ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 19th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence in 19TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOLUME: 583
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1
TITLE: A Data Acquisition and Consolidation System based on openEHR applied to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
AUTHORS: Inês Silva; Diana Ferreira; Peixoto, Hugo ; José Machado ;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 14th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies Networks, ANT 2023 and The 6th International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0, EDI40 2023 in The 14th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2023) / The 6th International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0 (EDI40 2023) / Affiliated Workshops, March 15-17, 2023, Leuven, Belgium, VOLUME: 220
INDEXED IN: Scopus DBLP CrossRef: 3
TITLE: Better Medical Efficiency by Means of Hospital Bed Management Optimization-A Comparison of Artificial Intelligence Techniques
AUTHORS: Lobo, Afonso; Barbosa, Agostinho; Guimaraes, Tiago; Lopes, Joao; Peixoto, Hugo ; Santos, Manuel Filipe;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: 22nd EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA) in PROGRESS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, EPIA 2023, PT II, VOLUME: 14116
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1
Page 1 of 9. Total results: 86.