Teresa Maria Ferreira Rodrigues
AuthID: R-000-H56
TITLE: Nota introdutória As migrações europeias numa nova era
AUTHORS: Teresa Ferreira Rodrigues;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Relações Internacionais, ISSUE: 75
AUTHORS: Teresa Ferreira Rodrigues;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Relações Internacionais, ISSUE: 75
TITLE: Regime de Proteção Internacional. Fragilidades no acolhimento e integração de refugiados: Portugal (2010-2020)
AUTHORS: Carolina Strungari; Teresa Ferreira Rodrigues;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Relações Internacionais, ISSUE: 75
AUTHORS: Carolina Strungari; Teresa Ferreira Rodrigues;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Relações Internacionais, ISSUE: 75
TITLE: Guaranteeing migrants' rights in a time of pandemics
AUTHORS: Susana Ferreira; Teresa Rodrigues;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Global Pandemic, Security and Human Rights
AUTHORS: Susana Ferreira; Teresa Rodrigues;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Global Pandemic, Security and Human Rights
TITLE: Emigração. a diáspora portuguesa
AUTHORS: Teresa F Rodrigues;
AUTHORS: Teresa F Rodrigues;

TITLE: A Dashboard for Security Forces Data Visualization and Storytelling
AUTHORS: Neto, MD; Nascimento, M; Sarmento, P; Ribeiro, S; Rodrigues, T; Painho, M;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 18th Conference of the Portuguese-Association-for-Information-Systems (CAPSI) in INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR INDUSTRY 4.0, VOLUME: 31
AUTHORS: Neto, MD; Nascimento, M; Sarmento, P; Ribeiro, S; Rodrigues, T; Painho, M;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 18th Conference of the Portuguese-Association-for-Information-Systems (CAPSI) in INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR INDUSTRY 4.0, VOLUME: 31
TITLE: Nota Introdutória: Que Segurança Marítima temos e queremos Full Text
AUTHORS: Teresa Rodrigues; Manuel Pinto de Abreu;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Relações Internacionais, ISSUE: 57
AUTHORS: Teresa Rodrigues; Manuel Pinto de Abreu;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Relações Internacionais, ISSUE: 57
TITLE: Impact of the demographic and educational structure on health outcomes: A prospective analysis for the portuguese population
AUTHORS: Martins, MRO; Rodrigues, I; Rodrigues, T;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Hygiea Internationalis, VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Martins, MRO; Rodrigues, I; Rodrigues, T;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Hygiea Internationalis, VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Regional trends in ageing and health for Portugal, 2011–2031
AUTHORS: Martins, MRO; Rodrigues, I; Rodrigues, T;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Hygiea Internationalis, VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Martins, MRO; Rodrigues, I; Rodrigues, T;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Hygiea Internationalis, VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Regional dynamics and social diversity - Portugal in the 21st century
AUTHORS: Teresa Ferreira Rodrigues;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Hygiea Internationalis, VOLUME: 9, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Teresa Ferreira Rodrigues;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Hygiea Internationalis, VOLUME: 9, ISSUE: 1