Joana da Silveira Duarte
AuthID: R-000-JTH
TITLE: The role of migration-induced multilingualism for learning in content-matter subjects: Example of a video study in upper secondary education [Zur Rolle lebensweltlicher Mehrsprachigkeit für das Lernen im Fachunterricht - ein Beispiel aus einer Videostudie der Sekundarstufe II] Full Text
AUTHORS: Buhrig, K; Duarte, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung, VOLUME: 44, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Buhrig, K; Duarte, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung, VOLUME: 44, ISSUE: 3

TITLE: Zur Rolle lebensweltlicher Mehrsprachigkeit für das Lernen im Fachunterricht – ein Beispiel aus einer Videostudie der Sekundarstufe II Full Text
AUTHORS: Kristin Bührig; Joana Duarte;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Gruppendyn Organisationsberat - Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung, VOLUME: 44, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Kristin Bührig; Joana Duarte;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Gruppendyn Organisationsberat - Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung, VOLUME: 44, ISSUE: 3
TITLE: Migrants' educational success through innovation: The case of the Hamburg bilingual schools [Succès de l'éducation des migrants grâce à l'innovation: Le cas des écoles bilingues de Hambourg] Full Text
AUTHORS: Duarte, J;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: International Review of Education, VOLUME: 57, ISSUE: 5-6
AUTHORS: Duarte, J;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: International Review of Education, VOLUME: 57, ISSUE: 5-6

TITLE: Migrants’ educational success through innovation: The case of the Hamburg bilingual schools Full Text
AUTHORS: Joana Duarte;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: International Review of Education - Int Rev Educ, VOLUME: 57, ISSUE: 5-6
AUTHORS: Joana Duarte;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: International Review of Education - Int Rev Educ, VOLUME: 57, ISSUE: 5-6