T. Karopka
AuthID: R-006-FQ5
TITLE: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop oi Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, OSEHC 2009 In Conjunction with BIOSTEC 2009 and the EFMI LIFOSS WG: Foreword
AUTHORS: Karopka, T; Correia, RJC ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 1st International Workshop on Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, OSEHC 2009 In Conjunction with BIOSTEC 2009 and the EFMI LIFOSS WG in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, OSEHC 2009 In Conjunction with BIOSTEC 2009 and the EFMI LIFOSS WG
AUTHORS: Karopka, T; Correia, RJC ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 1st International Workshop on Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, OSEHC 2009 In Conjunction with BIOSTEC 2009 and the EFMI LIFOSS WG in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, OSEHC 2009 In Conjunction with BIOSTEC 2009 and the EFMI LIFOSS WG