V. F. Degtyareva
AuthID: R-006-HZ0
TITLE: Electron concentration and phase stability in binary alloys In-Pb and Hg-Sn under high pressure Full Text
AUTHORS: Degtyareva, VF; Bdikin, IK ; Porsch, F; Novohatskaya, NI;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: 5th International-Union-of-Crystallography High Pressure Commission Workshop in HIGH PRESSURE RESEARCH, VOLUME: 24, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Degtyareva, VF; Bdikin, IK ; Porsch, F; Novohatskaya, NI;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: 5th International-Union-of-Crystallography High Pressure Commission Workshop in HIGH PRESSURE RESEARCH, VOLUME: 24, ISSUE: 4
TITLE: Phase transition in a tetragonal In90Pb10 alloy under high pressure: A switch from c/a > 1 to c/a < 1 Full Text
AUTHORS: Degtyareva, VF; Bdikin, IK ; Porsch, F; Novokhatskaya, NI;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, VOLUME: 15, ISSUE: 10
AUTHORS: Degtyareva, VF; Bdikin, IK ; Porsch, F; Novokhatskaya, NI;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, VOLUME: 15, ISSUE: 10
TITLE: The stability of the rhombohedral α-Hg phase alloyed with Sn under high pressure up to 30 GPa Full Text
AUTHORS: Degtyareva, VF; Bdikin, IK ; Porsch, F; Novokhatskaya, NI;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, VOLUME: 15, ISSUE: 44
AUTHORS: Degtyareva, VF; Bdikin, IK ; Porsch, F; Novokhatskaya, NI;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, VOLUME: 15, ISSUE: 44
TITLE: Crystalline and amorphous states in alloys Zn-Sb and Cd-Sb under high pressure
AUTHORS: Degtyareva, VF; Bdikin, I ; Khasanov, S;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: Materials Science Forum, VOLUME: 278-281, ISSUE: PART 1
AUTHORS: Degtyareva, VF; Bdikin, I ; Khasanov, S;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: Materials Science Forum, VOLUME: 278-281, ISSUE: PART 1

TITLE: BCC high-pressure phase in the SnBi alloy Full Text
AUTHORS: Degtyareva, VF; Bdikin, I ; Khasanov, S;
PUBLISHED: 1996, SOURCE: Solid State Communications, VOLUME: 99, ISSUE: 12
AUTHORS: Degtyareva, VF; Bdikin, I ; Khasanov, S;
PUBLISHED: 1996, SOURCE: Solid State Communications, VOLUME: 99, ISSUE: 12