TITLE: Swarmanoid: A novel concept for the study of heterogeneous robotic swarms  Full Text
AUTHORS: Dorigo, M; Floreano, D; Gambardella, LM; Mondada, F; Nolfi, S; Baaboura, T; Birattari, M; Bonani, M; Brambilla, M; Brutschy, A; Burnier, D; Campo, A; Christensen, AL ; Decugniere, A; Di Caro, G; Ducatelle, F; Ferrante, E; Forster, A; Gonzales, JM; Guzzi, J; Longchamp, V; Magnenat, S; Mathews, N; Montes De Oca, M; O'Grady, R; Pinciroli, C; Pini, G; Retornaz, P; Roberts, J; Sperati, V; Stirling, T; Stranieri, A; Stutzle, T; Trianni, V; Tuci, E; Turgut, AE; Vaussard, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, VOLUME: 20, ISSUE: 4
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 104
TITLE: Swarm-bots to the rescue
AUTHORS: O'Grady, R; Pinciroli, C; Gross, R; Christensen, AL ; Mondada, F; Bonani, M; Dorigo, M;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 10th European Conference of Artificial Life, ECAL 2009 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), VOLUME: 5777 LNAI, ISSUE: PART 1
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 3
TITLE: Coordinating Heterogeneous Swarms through Minimal Communication among Homogeneous Sub-swarms  Full Text
AUTHORS: Carlo Pinciroli; Rehan O'Grady; Anders L Christensen ; Marco Dorigo;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 7th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence in SWARM INTELLIGENCE, VOLUME: 6234
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1