Catherine Anne Marie Dominique Meriaux
AuthID: R-000-VX3
TITLE: Subsurface lateral magma propagation from Nyiragongo volcano in the Western Rift Zone of the East African Rift
AUTHORS: Virginie Pinel; Catherine A Mériaux;
PUBLISHED: 2025, SOURCE: Journal of African Earth Sciences, VOLUME: 226
AUTHORS: Virginie Pinel; Catherine A Mériaux;
PUBLISHED: 2025, SOURCE: Journal of African Earth Sciences, VOLUME: 226
TITLE: An improved method for estimating the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy using structure functions evaluated from the motion of finite-sized neutrally buoyant particles Full Text
AUTHORS: Miguel A C Teixeira ; Catherine A Mériaux;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Physics of Fluids, VOLUME: 35, ISSUE: 6
AUTHORS: Miguel A C Teixeira ; Catherine A Mériaux;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Physics of Fluids, VOLUME: 35, ISSUE: 6
TITLE: All scales must be considered to understand rifts
AUTHORS: Cynthia Ebinger; Jolante van Wijk; Lydia Olaka; Catherine Mériaux; Karen Fontijn;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, VOLUME: 4, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Cynthia Ebinger; Jolante van Wijk; Lydia Olaka; Catherine Mériaux; Karen Fontijn;
PUBLISHED: 2023, SOURCE: Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, VOLUME: 4, ISSUE: 4
TITLE: Estimating the filtering of turbulence properties by finite-sized particles using analytical energy spectra Full Text
AUTHORS: Miguel A C Teixeira ; Catherine A Mériaux;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Physics of Fluids, VOLUME: 34, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Miguel A C Teixeira ; Catherine A Mériaux;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Physics of Fluids, VOLUME: 34, ISSUE: 4
TITLE: The impact of vent geometry on the growth of lava domes
AUTHORS: Catherine A Mériaux; Dave A May; Claude Jaupart;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Geophysical Journal International, VOLUME: 229, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Catherine A Mériaux; Dave A May; Claude Jaupart;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Geophysical Journal International, VOLUME: 229, ISSUE: 3
TITLE: Dispersion of finite-size particles probing inhomogeneous and anisotropic turbulence Full Text
AUTHORS: Catherine A Mériaux; Miguel A.C Teixeira ; Joe J Monaghan; Raymond Cohen; Paul Cleary;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, VOLUME: 84
AUTHORS: Catherine A Mériaux; Miguel A.C Teixeira ; Joe J Monaghan; Raymond Cohen; Paul Cleary;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, VOLUME: 84
TITLE: Mantle plume dynamics at the rear of a retreating slab
AUTHORS: Catherine A Mériaux; Dave A May; John Mansour; Owen Kaluza;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Geophysical Journal International, VOLUME: 222, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Catherine A Mériaux; Dave A May; John Mansour; Owen Kaluza;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Geophysical Journal International, VOLUME: 222, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: What can we learn from large bodies moving in a turbulent fluid?
AUTHORS: J.J Monaghan; Catherine A Mériaux;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, VOLUME: 72
AUTHORS: J.J Monaghan; Catherine A Mériaux;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, VOLUME: 72
TITLE: An SPH study of driven turbulence near a free surface in a tank under gravity
AUTHORS: J.J Monaghan; Catherine A Mériaux;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, VOLUME: 68
AUTHORS: J.J Monaghan; Catherine A Mériaux;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, VOLUME: 68
TITLE: Benchmark of three-dimensional numerical models of subduction against a laboratory experiment
AUTHORS: Catherine A Mériaux; Dave A May; John Mansour; Zhihao Chen; Owen Kaluza;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, VOLUME: 283
AUTHORS: Catherine A Mériaux; Dave A May; John Mansour; Zhihao Chen; Owen Kaluza;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, VOLUME: 283