Levi Pedro Silva Lúcio
AuthID: R-001-GQ6
TITLE: DSLTrans: A Turing Incomplete Transformation Language Full Text
AUTHORS: Bruno Barroca ; Levi Lucio; Vasco Amaral ; Roberto Felix; Vasco Sousa;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 3rd International Conference on Software Language Engineering in SOFTWARE LANGUAGE ENGINEERING, VOLUME: 6563
AUTHORS: Bruno Barroca ; Levi Lucio; Vasco Amaral ; Roberto Felix; Vasco Sousa;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 3rd International Conference on Software Language Engineering in SOFTWARE LANGUAGE ENGINEERING, VOLUME: 6563
TITLE: A Technique for Automatic Validation of Model Transformations
AUTHORS: Levi Lucio; Bruno Barroca ; Vasco Amaral ;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems in MODEL DRIVEN ENGINEERING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS, PT I, VOLUME: 6394, ISSUE: PART 1
AUTHORS: Levi Lucio; Bruno Barroca ; Vasco Amaral ;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems in MODEL DRIVEN ENGINEERING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS, PT I, VOLUME: 6394, ISSUE: PART 1
TITLE: MoDeVVa Workshop Summary
AUTHORS: Levi Lucio; Stephan Weissleder;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Workshop and Symposia on Models in Software Engineering in MODELS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOLUME: 6002
AUTHORS: Levi Lucio; Stephan Weissleder;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Workshop and Symposia on Models in Software Engineering in MODELS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOLUME: 6002

TITLE: Developing domain-specific modeling languages by metamodel semantic enrichment and composition: A case study. a case study
AUTHORS: Pedro, L; Risoldi, M; Buchs, D; Amaral, V ;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 10th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, DSM'10 in Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, DSM'10
AUTHORS: Pedro, L; Risoldi, M; Buchs, D; Amaral, V ;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 10th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, DSM'10 in Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, DSM'10

TITLE: MoDeVVa Workshop Summary
AUTHORS: Levi Lúcio; Stephan Weißleder;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Models in Software Engineering - Lecture Notes in Computer Science
AUTHORS: Levi Lúcio; Stephan Weißleder;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Models in Software Engineering - Lecture Notes in Computer Science