O. Toprak
AuthID: R-00F-AJJ
TITLE: Wind control on the accumulation of heavy metals in sediment of Lake Ulubat, Anatolia, Turkey Full Text
AUTHORS: Kazancı, N; Leroy, SAG; Öncel, S; Ö İleri; Ö Toprak; Costa, P; Sayılı, S; Turgut, C; Kibar, M;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Journal of Paleolimnology - J Paleolimnol, VOLUME: 43, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Kazancı, N; Leroy, SAG; Öncel, S; Ö İleri; Ö Toprak; Costa, P; Sayılı, S; Turgut, C; Kibar, M;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Journal of Paleolimnology - J Paleolimnol, VOLUME: 43, ISSUE: 1

TITLE: Boron content of Lake Ulubat sediment: A key to interpret the morphological history of NW Anatolia, Turkey Full Text
AUTHORS: Kazancı, N; Ö Toprak; S.A.G Leroy; Öncel, S; Ö Ileri; Ö Emre; Costa, P; Erturaç, K; McGee, E;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Applied Geochemistry, VOLUME: 21, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Kazancı, N; Ö Toprak; S.A.G Leroy; Öncel, S; Ö Ileri; Ö Emre; Costa, P; Erturaç, K; McGee, E;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Applied Geochemistry, VOLUME: 21, ISSUE: 1