J. Howson
AuthID: R-00F-EA0
TITLE: Identification of a structurally distinct CD101 molecule encoded in the 950-kb Idd10 region of NOD mice
AUTHORS: Penha Goncalves, C ; Moule, C; Smink, LJ; Howson, J; Gregory, S; Rogers, J; Lyons, PA; Suttie, JJ; Lord, CJ; Peterson, LB; Todd, JA; Wicker, LS;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Diabetes, VOLUME: 52, ISSUE: 6
AUTHORS: Penha Goncalves, C ; Moule, C; Smink, LJ; Howson, J; Gregory, S; Rogers, J; Lyons, PA; Suttie, JJ; Lord, CJ; Peterson, LB; Todd, JA; Wicker, LS;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Diabetes, VOLUME: 52, ISSUE: 6