E. Grunblatt
AuthID: R-00F-GBC
TITLE: Consensus paper of the WFSBP task force on biological markers of dementia: The role of CSF and blood analysis in the early and differential diagnosis of dementia [Trabalho de consenso de força-tarefa da WFSBP sobre marcadores biológicos das demências: Contribuição da análise do LCR e do sangue para o diagnóstico precoce e diferencial das demências]
AUTHORS: Wiltfang, J; Lewczuk, P; Riederer, P; Grunblatt, E; Hock, C; Scheltens, P; Hampel, H; Vanderstichele, H; Iqbal, K; Galasko, D; Lannfelt, L; Otto, M; Esselman, H; Henkel, AW; Kornhuber, J; Blennow, K;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica, VOLUME: 36, ISSUE: SUPPL. 1
AUTHORS: Wiltfang, J; Lewczuk, P; Riederer, P; Grunblatt, E; Hock, C; Scheltens, P; Hampel, H; Vanderstichele, H; Iqbal, K; Galasko, D; Lannfelt, L; Otto, M; Esselman, H; Henkel, AW; Kornhuber, J; Blennow, K;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica, VOLUME: 36, ISSUE: SUPPL. 1