TITLE: 26Si excited states via one-neutron removal from a 27Si radioactive ion beam
AUTHORS: Chen, J; Chen, AA; Amthor, AM; Bazin, D; Becerril, AD; Gade, A; Galaviz, D; Glasmacher, T; Kahl, D; Lorusso, G; Matos, M; Ouellet, CV; Pereira, J; Schatz, H; Smith, K; Wales, B; Weisshaar, D; Zegers, RGT;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, VOLUME: 85, ISSUE: 4
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TITLE: Study of astrophysically important states in Si-26 with the p(Si-27,Si-26*)d reaction and the p(Al-25,p)Al-25 elastic scattering  Full Text
AUTHORS: Chen, J; Chen, AA; Schatz, H; Kubono, S; Reyes, AB; Smith, A; Wales, B; Ouellet, C; Kahl, D; Redondo, DG; Lorusso, G; LeNestour, J; Conca, JP; Smith, K; Amthor, M; Matos, M; Yamaguchi, H; Iwasa, N; Hayakawa, S; Michimasa, S; Teranishi, T; Kurihawa, Y; Wakabayashi, Y; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 10th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2009) in NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, VOLUME: 834, ISSUE: 1-4
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TITLE: Nucleosynthesis of proton-rich nuclei. Experimental results on the rp-process  Full Text
AUTHORS: Galaviz, D ; Amthor, AM; Bazin, D; Becerril, AD; Brown, BA; Chen, AA; Cole, A; Cook, JM; Elliot, T; Estrade, A; Fueloep, ZS; Gade, A; Glasmacher, T; Heger, A; Howard, ME; Kessler, R; Lorusso, G; Matos, M; Montes, F; Mueller, W; Pereira, J; Schatz, H; Sherrill, B; Schertz, F; Shimbara, Y; Smith, E; Smith, K; Tamii, A; Stolz, A; Weisshaar, D; Wallace, M; Wiescher, M; Zegers, RGT; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 4th International Conference on Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics in NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN ASTROPHYSICS IV (NPAIV 2009), VOLUME: 202
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TITLE: Plunger lifetime measurements after Coulomb excitation at intermediate beam energies  Full Text
AUTHORS: Dewald, A; Starosta, K; Petkov, P; Hackstein, M; Rother, W; Adrich, P; Amthor, AM; Baumann, T; Bazin, D; Bowen, M; Chester, A; Dunomes, A; Gade, A; Galaviz, D ; Glasmacher, T; Ginter, T; Hausmann, M; Jolie, J; Melon, B; Miller, D; Moeller, V; Norris, RP; Pissulla, T; Portillo, M; Shimbara, Y; Stolz, A; Vaman, C; Voss, P; Weisshaar, D; Jan Jolie; Andreas Zilges; Nigel Warr; Andrey Blazhev; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 13th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics in CAPTURE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED TOPICS, VOLUME: 1090
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TITLE: Collectivity of neutron-rich palladium isotopes and the valence proton symmetry
AUTHORS: Dewald, A; Starosta, K; Petkov, P; Hackstein, M; Rother, W; Adrich, P; Amthor, AM; Baumann, T; Bazin, D; Bowen, M; Chester, A; Dunomes, A; Gade, A; Galaviz, D ; Glasmacher, T; Ginter, T; Hausmann, M; Jolie, J; Melon, B; Miller, D; Moeller, V; Norris, RP; Pissulla, T; Portillo, M; Shimbara, Y; Stolz, A; Vaman, C; Voss, P; Weisshaar, D; ...More
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TITLE: New experimental efforts along the rp-process path  Full Text
AUTHORS: Galaviz, D; Amthor, AM; Bazin, D; Brown, BA; Cole, A; Elliot, T; Estrade, A; Zs Fulop; Gade, A; Glasmacher, T; Kessler, R; Lorusso, G; Matos, M; Montes, F; Muller, W; Pereira, J; Schatz, H; Sherrill, B; Schertz, F; Shimbara, Y; Smith, E; Tamii, A; Wallace, M; Zegers, RGT; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, VOLUME: 35, ISSUE: 1
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TITLE: In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy and inclusive two-proton knockout cross section measurements at N ≈ 40
AUTHORS: Adrich, P; Amthor, AM; Bazin, D; Bowen, MD; Brown, BA; Campbell, CM; Cook, JM; Gade, A; Galaviz, D; Glasmacher, T; McDaniel, S; Miller, D; Obertelli, A; Shimbara, Y; Siwek, KP; Tostevin, JA; Weisshaar, D;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, VOLUME: 77, ISSUE: 5
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TITLE: Improving the nuclear physics input along the rp-process path  Full Text
AUTHORS: Galaviz, D; Amthor, M; Bazin, D; Brown, BA; Cole, A; Elliot, T; Estrade, A; Zs Fulop; Gade, A; Glasmacher, T; Kessler, R; Lorusso, G; Matos, M; Montes, F; Muller, W; Pereira, J; Schatz, H; Sherrill, B; Schertz, F; Shimbara, Y; Smith, E; Tamii, A; Wallace, M; Zegers, R; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2007, SOURCE: Nuclear Physics A, VOLUME: 788, ISSUE: 1-4
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TITLE: Shape and structure of N=Z Ge64: Electromagnetic transition rates from the application of the recoil distance method to a knockout reaction
AUTHORS: Starosta, K; Dewald, A; Dunomes, A; Adrich, P; Amthor, AM; Baumann, T; Bazin, D; Bowen, M; Brown, BA; Chester, A; Gade, A; Galaviz, D; Glasmacher, T; Ginter, T; Hausmann, M; Horoi, M; Jolie, J; Melon, B; Miller, D; Moeller, V; Norris, RP; Pissulla, T; Portillo, M; Rother, W; Shimbara, Y; Stolz, A; Vaman, C; Voss, P; Weisshaar, D; Zelevinsky, V; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2007, SOURCE: Physical Review Letters, VOLUME: 99, ISSUE: 4
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