TITLE: Association between age, IL-10, IFNγ, stimulated C-peptide and disease progression in children with newly diagnosed Type1 diabetes. IL-10, IFNγ and disease progression  Full Text
AUTHORS: Kaas, A; Pfleger, C; Kharagjitsingh, AV; Schloot, NC; Hansen, L; Buschard, K; Koeleman, BPC; Roep, BO; Mortensen, HB; Alizadeh, BZ; Aanstoot, HJ; de Beaufort, C; Chiarelli, F; Dahl Jorgensen, K; Gothner, HB; Danne, T; Garandeau, P; Greene, SA; Holl, RW; Kocova, M; Martul, P; Matsuura, N; Robertson, KJ; Schoenle, EJ; Swift, P; Tsou, RM; Vanelli, M; Aman, J; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Diabetic Medicine, VOLUME: 29, ISSUE: 6
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef