R. Colebunders
AuthID: R-00F-JB1
TITLE: Regional and temporal changes in AIDS in Europe before HAART
AUTHORS: Blaxhult, A; Fox, Z; Colebunders, R; Francioli, P; Ben Ishai, Z; Fatkenheuer, G; Parkin, JM; Vanhems, P; Phillips, AN; Kirk, O; Katlama, C; Dietrich, M; Kosmidis, J; Banhegyi, D; Mulcahy, F; Yust, I; Vella, S; Chiesi, A; Viksna, L; Chaplinskas, S; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2002, SOURCE: Epidemiology and Infection, VOLUME: 129, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Blaxhult, A; Fox, Z; Colebunders, R; Francioli, P; Ben Ishai, Z; Fatkenheuer, G; Parkin, JM; Vanhems, P; Phillips, AN; Kirk, O; Katlama, C; Dietrich, M; Kosmidis, J; Banhegyi, D; Mulcahy, F; Yust, I; Vella, S; Chiesi, A; Viksna, L; Chaplinskas, S; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2002, SOURCE: Epidemiology and Infection, VOLUME: 129, ISSUE: 3