B. Dachwald
AuthID: R-00F-JR3
TITLE: A mission to explore the Pioneer anomaly
AUTHORS: Dittus, H; Turyshev, SG; Lammerzahl, C; Theil, S; Foerstner, R; Johann, U; Ertmer, W; Rasel, E; Dachwald, B; Seboldt, W; Hehl, FW; Kiefer, C; Blome, HJ; Kunz, J; Giulini, D; Bingham, R; Kent, B; Sumner, TJ; Bertolami, O ; Paramos, J ; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 39th ESLAB Symposium: Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020 in European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, ISSUE: 588
AUTHORS: Dittus, H; Turyshev, SG; Lammerzahl, C; Theil, S; Foerstner, R; Johann, U; Ertmer, W; Rasel, E; Dachwald, B; Seboldt, W; Hehl, FW; Kiefer, C; Blome, HJ; Kunz, J; Giulini, D; Bingham, R; Kent, B; Sumner, TJ; Bertolami, O ; Paramos, J ; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 39th ESLAB Symposium: Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020 in European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, ISSUE: 588