TITLE: First proof of topological signature in the high pressure xenon gas TPC with electroluminescence amplification for the NEXT experiment
AUTHORS: Ferrario, P; The NEXT collaboration, ; Laing, A; López-March, N; Gómez-Cadenas, JJ; Álvarez, V; Azevedo, CDR; Borges, FIG; Cárcel, S; Cebrián, S; Cervera, A; Conde, CAN; Dafni, T; Díaz, J; Diesburg, M; Esteve, R; Fernandes, LMP; Ferreira, AL; Freitas, EDC ; Gehman, VM; Goldschmidt, A; González-Díaz, D; Gutiérrez, RM; Hauptman, J; Henriques, CAO; Hernando Morata, JA; Irastorza, IG; Labarga, L; Lebrun, P; Liubarsky, I; Lorca, D; Losada, M; Luzón, G; Marí, A; Martín-Albo, J; Martínez-Lema, G; Martínez, A; Miller, T; Monrabal, F; Monserrate, M; Monteiro, CMB; Mora, FJ; Moutinho, LM; Muñoz Vidal, J; Nebot-Guinot, M; Novella, P; Nygren, D; Para, A; Pérez, J; Pérez Aparicio, JL; Querol, M; Renner, J; Ripoll, L; Rodríguez, J; Santos, FP; dos Santos, JMF; Serra, L; Shuman, D; Simón, A; Sofka, C; Sorel, M; Toledo, JF; Torrent, J; Tsamalaidze, Z; Veloso, JFCA; Villar, JA; Webb, R; White, JT; Yahlali, N; Yepes-Ramírez, H; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 22
TITLE: Results of the material screening program of the NEXT experiment  Full Text
AUTHORS: Dafni, T; Alvarez, V; Bandac, I; Bettini, A; Borges, FIGM; Camargo, M; Carcel, S; Cebrian, S; Cervera, A; Conde, CAN; Diaz, J; Esteve, R; Fernandes, LMP; Fernandez, M; Ferrario, P; Ferreira, AL; Freitas, EDC ; Gehman, VM; Goldschmidt, A; Gomez, H; Gomez Cadenas, JJ; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Gutierrez, RM; Hauptman, J; Hernando Morata, JAH; Herrera, DC; Iguaz, FJ; Irastorza, IG; Labarga, L; Laing, A; Liubarsky, I; Lorca, D; Losada, M; Luzon, G; Mari, A; Martin Albo, J; Martinez, A; Martinez Lema, G; Miller, T; Monrabal, F; Monserrate, M; Monteiro, CMB; Mora, FJ; Moutinho, LM; Munoz Vidal, JM; Nebot Guinot, M; Nygren, D; Oliveira, CAB; Perez, J; Perez Aparicio, JLP; Renner, J; Ripoll, L; Rodriguez, A; Rodriguez, J; Santos, FP; dos Santos, JMF; Segui, L; Serra, L; Shuman, D; Simon, A; Sofka, C; Sorel, M; Toledo, JF; Torrent, J; Tsamalaidze, Z; Veloso, JFCA; Villar, JA; Webb, RC; White, JT; Yahlali, N; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: 37th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) in NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS, VOLUME: 273
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Radiogenic and muon-induced backgrounds in the LUX dark matter detector  Full Text
AUTHORS: Akerib, DS; Araujo, HM; Bai, X; Bailey, AJ; Balajthy, J; Bernard, E; Bernstein, A; Bradley, A; Byram, D; Cahn, SB; Carmona Benitez, MC; Chan, C; Chapman, JJ; Chiller, AA; Chiller, C; Coffey, T; Currie, A; de Viveiros, L; Dobi, A; Dobson, J; Druszkiewicz, E; Edwards, B; Faham, CH; Fiorucci, S; Flores, C; Gaitskell, RJ; Gehman, VM; Ghagi, C; Gibson, KR; Gilchriese, MGD; Hall, C; Hertel, SA; Horn, M; Huang, DQ; Ihm, M; Jacobsen, RG; Kazkaz, K; Knoche, R; Larsen, NA; Lee, C; Lindote, A; Lopes, MI; Malling, DC; Mannino, R; McKinsey, DN; M Mei; Mock, J; Moongweluwan, M; Morad, J; Std. S Murphy; Nehrkorn, C; Nelson, H; Neves, F; Ott, RA; Pangilinan, M; Parker, PD; Pease, EK; Pech, K; Phelps, P; Reichharti, L; Shutt, T; Silva, C; Solovov, VN; Sorensen, P; O'Sullivan, K; Sumner, TJ; Szydagis, M; Taylor, D; Tennyson, B; Tiedt, DR; Tripathi, M; Uvarov, S; Verbus, JR; Walsh, N; Webb, R; White, JT; Witherell, MS; Wolfs, FLH; Woods, M; Zhang, C; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 39
TITLE: Radon and material radiopurity assessment for the NEXT double beta decay experiment  Full Text
AUTHORS: Cebrian, S; Perez, J; Bandac, I; Labarga, L; Alvarez, V; Barrado, AI; Bettini, A; Borges, FIGM; Camargo, M; Carcel, S; Cervera, A; Conde, CAN; Conde, E; Dafni, T; Diaz, J; Esteve, R; Fernandes, LMP; Fernandez, M; Ferrario, P; Freitas, EDC ; Fernandes, LMP; Gehman, VM; Goldschmidt, A; Gomez Cadenas, JJ; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Gutierrez, RM; Hauptman, J; Hernando Morata, JAH; Herrera, DC; Irastorza, IG; Laing, A; Liubarsky, I; Lopez March, N; Lorca, D; Losada, M; Luzon, G; Mari, A; Martin Albo, J; Martinez, A; Martinez Lema, G; Miller, T; Monrabal, F; Monserrate, M; Monteiro, CMB; Mora, FJ; Moutinho, LM; Munoz Vidal, JM; Nebot Guinot, M; Nygren, D; Oliveira, CAB; Ortiz de Solorzano, AO; Perez Aparicio, JLP; Querol, M; Renner, J; Ripoll, L; Rodriguez, J; Santos, FP; dos Santos, JMF; Serra, L; Shuman, D; Simon, A; Sofka, C; Sorel, M; Toledo, JF; Torrent, J; Tsamalaidze, Z; Veloso, JFCA; Villar, JA; Webb, RC; White, JT; Yahlali, N; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 5th International Workshop on Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) in LOW RADIOACTIVITY TECHNIQUES 2015 (LRT 2015), VOLUME: 1672
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 5
TITLE: Present Status and Future Perspectives of the NEXT Experiment  Full Text
AUTHORS: Gomez Cadenas, JJG; Alvarez, V; Borges, FIG; Carcel, S; Castel, J; Cebrian, S; Cervera, A; Conde, CAN; Dafni, T; Dias, THVT; Diaz, J; Egorov, M; Esteve, R; Evtoukhovitch, P; Fernandes, LMP; Ferrario, P; Ferreira, AL; Freitas, EDC ; Gehman, VM; Gil, A; Goldschmidt, A; Gomez, H; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Gutierrez, RM; Hauptman, J; Hernando Morata, JAH; Herrera, DC; Iguaz, FJ; Irastorza, IG; Jinete, MA; Labarga, L; Laing, A; Liubarsky, I; Lopes, JAM ; Lorca, D; Losada, M; Luzon, G; Mari, A; Martin Albo, J; Martinez, A; Miller, T; Moiseenko, A; Monrabal, F; Monserrate, M; Monteiro, CMB; Mora, FJ; Moutinho, LM; Munoz Vidal, JM; Natal da Luz, HN; Navarro, G; Nebot Guinot, M; Nygren, D; Oliveira, CAB; Palma, R; Javier Perez; Perez Aparicio, JL; Renner, J; Ripoll, L; Rodriguez, A; Rodriguez, J; Santos, FP; dos Santos, JMF; Segui, L; Serra, L; Shuman, D; Simon, A; Sofka, C; Sorel, M; Toledo, JF; Tomas, A; Torrent, J; Tsamalaidze, Z; Veloso, JFCA; Villar, JA; Webb, R; White, J; Yahlali, N; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 40
TITLE: Description and commissioning of NEXT-MM prototype: first results from operation in a Xenon-Trimethylamine gas mixture
AUTHORS: Alvarez, V; Aznar, F; Borges, FIGM; Calvet, D; Carcel, S; Castel, J; Cebrian, S; Cervera, A; Conde, CAN; Dafni, T; Dias, THVT; Diaz, J; Druillole, F; Egorov, M; Esteve, R; Evtoukhovitch, P; Fernandes, LMP; Ferrario, P; Ferreira, AL; Ferrer Ribas, E; Freitas, EDC ; Gehman, VM; Gil, A; Giomataris, I; Goldschmidt, A; Gomez, H; Gomez Cadenas, JJ; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Gutierrez, RM; Hauptman, J; Hernando Morata, JAH; Herrera, DC; Iguaz, FJ; Irastorza, IG; Jinete, MA; Labarga, L; Laing, A; Le Coguie, A; Liubarsky, I; Lopes, JAM ; Lorca, D; Losada, M; Luzon, G; Mari, A; Martin Albo, J; Martinez, A; Martinez Lema, G; Miller, T; Moiseenko, A; Mols, JP; Monrabal, F; Monteiro, CMB; Mora, FJ; Moutinho, LM; Munoz Vidal, JM; Natal da Luz, HN; Navarro, G; Nebot Guinot, M; Nygren, D; Oliveira, CAB; Palma, R; Perez, J; Perez Aparicio, JLP; Renner, J; Ripoll, L; Rodriguez, A; Rodriguez, J; Santos, FP; dos Santos, JMF; Segui, L; Serra, L; Shuman, D; Simon, A; Sofka, C; Sorel, M; Toledo, JF; Tomas, A; Torrent, J; Tsamalaidze, Z; Veloso, JFCA; Villar, JA; Webb, RC; White, JT; Yahlali, N; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 13
TITLE: Characterization of a medium size Xe/TMA TPC instrumented with microbulk Micromegas, using low-energy gamma-rays
AUTHORS: Alvarez, V; Borges, FIGM; Carcel, S; Castel, J; Cebrian, S; Cervera, A; Conde, CAN; Dafni, T; Dias, THVT; Diaz, J; Egorov, M; Esteve, R; Evtoukhovitch, P; Fernandes, LMP; Ferrario, P; Ferreira, AL; Freitas, EDC ; Gehman, VM; Gil, A; Goldschmidt, A; Gomez, H; Gomez Cadenas, JJ; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Gutierrez, RM; Hauptman, J; Hernando Morata, JAH; Herrera, DC; Iguaz, FJ; Irastorza, IG; Jinete, MA; Labarga, L; Laing, A; Liubarsky, I; Lopes, JAM ; Lorca, D; Losada, M; Luzon, G; Mari, A; Martin Albo, J; Martinez, A; Martinez Lema, G; Miller, T; Moiseenko, A; Monrabal, F; Monteiro, CMB; Mora, FJ; Moutinho, LM; Munoz Vidal, JM; Natal N da Luz; Navarro, G; Nebot Guinot, M; Nygren, D; Oliveira, CAB; Palma, R; Perez, J; Perez Aparicio, JLP; Renner, J; Ripoll, L; Rodriguez, A; Rodriguez, J; Santos, FP; dos Santos, JMF; Segui, L; Serra, L; Shuman, D; Simon, A; Sofka, C; Sorel, M; Toledo, JF; Tomas, A; Torrent, J; Tsamalaidze, Z; Vazquez, D; Veloso, JFCA; Villar, JA; Webb, RC; White, JT; Yahlali, N; Aznar, F; Calvet, D; Druillole, F; Ferrer Ribas, E; Garcia, JA; Giomataris, I; Gracia, J; Le Coguie, A; Mols, JP; Pons, P; Ruiz, E; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 3rd International Conference on Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors in JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, VOLUME: 9, ISSUE: 4
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 18
TITLE: Characterisation of NEXT-DEMO using xenon K-alpha X-rays
AUTHORS: Lorca, D; Martin Albo, J; Laing, A; Ferrario, P; Gomez Cadenas, JJ; Alvarez, V; Borges, FIG; Camargo, M; Carcel, S; Cebrian, S; Cervera, A; Conde, CAN; Dafni, T; Diaz, J; Esteve, R; Fernandes, LMP; Ferreira, AL; Freitas, EDC ; Gehman, VM; Goldschmidt, A; Gomez, H; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Gutierrez, RM; Hauptman, J; Hernando Morata, JAH; Herrera, DC; Irastorza, IG; Labarga, L; Liubarsky, I; Losada, M; Luzon, G; Mari, A; Martinez Lema, G; Martinez, A; Miller, T; Monrabal, F; Monserrate, M; Monteiro, CMB; Mora, FJ; Moutinho, LM; Munoz Vidal, JM; Nebot Guinot, M; Nygren, D; Oliveira, CAB; Perez, J; Perez Aparicio, JLP; Renner, J; Ripoll, L; Rodriguez, A; Rodriguez, J; Santos, FP; dos Santos, JMF; Segui, L; Serra, L; Shuman, D; Simon, A; Sofka, C; Sorel, M; Toledo, JF; Torrent, J; Tsamalaidze, Z; Veloso, JFCA; Webb, R; White, JT; Yahlali, N; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 19
TITLE: Near-intrinsic energy resolution for 30-662 keV gamma rays in a high pressure xenon electroluminescent TPC  Full Text
AUTHORS: Alvarez, V; Borges, FIGM ; Carcel, S; Castel, J; Cebrian, S; Cervera, A; Conde, CAN ; Dafni, T; Dias, THVT ; Diaz, J; Egorov, M; Esteve, R; Evtoukhovitch, P; Fernandes, LMP ; Ferrario, P; Ferreira, AL ; Freitas, EDC ; Gehman, VM; Gil, A; Goldschmidt, A; Gomez, H; Gomez Cadenas, JJ; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Gutierrez, RM; Hauptman, J; Hernando Morata, JAH; Herrera, DC; Iguaz, FJ; Irastorza, IG; Jinete, MA; Labarga, L; Liubarsky, I; Lopes, JAM ; Lorca, D; Losada, M; Luzon, G; Mari, A; Martin Albo, J; Martinez, A; Miller, T; Moiseenko, A; Monrabal, F; Monteiro, CMB ; Mora, FJ; Moutinho, LM; Munoz Vidal, JM; Natal da Luz, HN ; Navarro, G; Nebot Guinot, M; Nygren, D; Oliveira, CAB; Palma, R; Perez, J; Perez Aparicio, JLP; Renner, J; Ripoll, L; Rodriguez, A; Rodriguez, J; Santos, FP; dos Santos, JMF ; Segui, L; Serra, L; Shuman, D; Simon, A; Sofka, C; Sorel, M; Toledo, JF; Tomas, A; Torrent, J; Tsamalaidze, Z; Vazquez, D; Veloso, JFCA ; Villar, JA; Webb, RC; White, JT; Yahlali, N; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 50
TITLE: Initial results of NEXT-DEMO, a large-scale prototype of the NEXT-100 experiment
AUTHORS: Alvarez, V; Borges, FIG ; Carcel, S; Castel, J; Cebrian, S; Cervera, A; Conde, CAN ; Dafni, T; Dias, THVT ; Diaz, J; Egorov, M; Esteve, R; Evtoukhovitch, P; Fernandes, LMP ; Ferrario, P; Ferreira, AL ; Freitas, EDC; Gehman, VM; Gil, A; Goldschmidt, A; Gomez, H; Gomez Cadenas, JJ; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Gutierrez, RM; Hauptman, J; Hernando Morata, JAH; Herrera, DC; Iguaz, FJ; Irastorza, IG; Jinete, MA; Labarga, L; Laing, A; Liubarsky, I; Lopes, JAM ; Lorca, D; Losada, M; Luzon, G; Mari, A; Martin Albo, J; Martinez, A; Miller, T; Moiseenko, A; Monrabal, F; Monteiro, CMB ; Mora, FJ; Moutinho, LM; Munoz Vidal, JM; Natal da Luz, HN ; Navarro, G; Nebot Guinot, M; Nygren, D; Oliveira, CAB; Palma, R; Perez, J; Perez Aparicio, JLP; Renner, J; Ripoll, L; Rodriguez, A; Rodriguez, J; Santos, FP; dos Santos, JMF ; Segui, L; Serra, L; Shuman, D; Simon, A; Sofka, C; Sorel, M; Toledo, JF; Tomas, A; Torrent, J; Tsamalaidze, Z; Vazquez, D; Veloso, JFCA ; Villar, JA; Webb, R; White, JT; Yahlali, N; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 34
Page 1 of 3. Total results: 24.