TITLE: Metal mirror influence on forced whispering gallery oscillations in a hemispherical dielectric resonator
AUTHORS: Ya Y Kirichenko; Kogut, AE; Yu V Bludov; Golubnichaya, GV; Kutuzov, VV; Maximchuk, IG; Solodovnik, VA;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika), VOLUME: 65, ISSUE: 11
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef
TITLE: Whispering-gallery modes in a barrel-shaped dielectric resonator  Full Text
AUTHORS: Bludov, YV; Kirichenko, AJ; Kogut, AE; Kutuzov, VV; Solodovnik, VA;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, VOLUME: 48, ISSUE: 12
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef