TITLE: Different transmission patterns in the early stages of the influenza A(H1N1) v pandemic: A comparative analysis of 12 European countries  Full Text
AUTHORS: Stefan Flasche; Niel Hens; Pierre Yves Boelle; Joel Mossong; Marijn M van Ballegooijen; Baltazar Nunes; Caterina Rizzo; Florin Popovici; Patricia Santa Olalla; Frantiska Hruba; Kremena Parmakova; Marc Baguelin; Albert Jan van Hoek; Jean Claude Desenclos; Pascale Bernillon; Amparro L Larrauri Camara; Jacco Wallinga; Tommi Asikainen; Peter J White; John J Edmunds; Arias, P; Avdicova, M; Bella, A; Bermingham, A; Carreira, M; Catarino, J; Cucuiu, R; Declich, S; Dias, C; Donker, T; Even, J; Fonteneau, L; Furtado, C; Gastellu Etchegorry, M; Guiomar, R; Gutierrez, I; Hahne, SJ; van der Hoek, W; van den Kerkhof, H; Kremer, J; Koopmans, M; Kurchatova, A; Leon, L; van der Lubben, MI; de Mateo Ontanon, SD; Meijer, A; Nogueira, P; Opp, M; Paixao, E; Pebody, R; Pistol, A; Van Ranst, M; Robesyn, E; Rota, MC; Reichert, P; Salmaso, S; van der Sande, MA; Schutte, M; Sierra Moros, MJS; van Steenbergen, J; Vaux, S; Weicherding, P; ...More
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