K. Taouil
AuthID: R-00F-Z7E
TITLE: Immunohistochemistry of CFTR in native tissues and primary epithelial cell cultures Full Text
AUTHORS: Mendes, F ; Doucet, L; Hinzpeter, A; Feree, C; Lipecka, J; Fritsch, J; Edelman, A; Jorna, H; Willemsen, R; Bot, AGM; De Jonge, HR; Hinnrasky, J; Castillon, N; Taouil, K; Puchelle, E; Penque, D ; Amaral, MD ;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, VOLUME: 3, ISSUE: SUPPL. 2
AUTHORS: Mendes, F ; Doucet, L; Hinzpeter, A; Feree, C; Lipecka, J; Fritsch, J; Edelman, A; Jorna, H; Willemsen, R; Bot, AGM; De Jonge, HR; Hinnrasky, J; Castillon, N; Taouil, K; Puchelle, E; Penque, D ; Amaral, MD ;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, VOLUME: 3, ISSUE: SUPPL. 2