P. Batista-Santos
AuthID: R-00F-ZP5
TITLE: The impact of cold on photosynthesis in genotypes of Coffea spp.—Photosystem sensitivity, photoprotective mechanisms and gene expression Full Text
AUTHORS: Batista-Santos, P; F.C Lidon; Fortunato, A; A.E Leitão; Lopes, E; Partelli, F; A.I Ribeiro; J.C Ramalho;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Journal of Plant Physiology, VOLUME: 168, ISSUE: 8
AUTHORS: Batista-Santos, P; F.C Lidon; Fortunato, A; A.E Leitão; Lopes, E; Partelli, F; A.I Ribeiro; J.C Ramalho;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Journal of Plant Physiology, VOLUME: 168, ISSUE: 8