TITLE: β decay of nuclei around 90Se: Search for signatures of a N=56 subshell closure relevant to the r process
AUTHORS: Quinn, M; Aprahamian, A; Pereira, J; Surman, R; Arndt, O; Baumann, T; Becerril, A; Elliot, T; Estrade, A; Galaviz, D; Ginter, T; Hausmann, M; Hennrich, S; Kessler, R; Kratz, KL; Lorusso, G; Mantica, PF; Matos, M; Montes, F; Pfeiffer, B; Portillo, M; Schatz, H; Schertz, F; Schnorrenberger, L; Smith, E; Stolz, A; Walters, WB; Wohr, A; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, VOLUME: 85, ISSUE: 3
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